
Musicologist Leon Markiewicz passed away...

Leon Markiewicz

Prof. Leon Markiewicz, a long-time member of the Musicologists' Section of the Polish Composers' Union (since 1964), passed away on the 4th of February at the age of 95. The funeral ceremony will take place on Saturday, 10th of February, at 12:00 p.m. in the Cemetery Chapel in the Francuska Street in Katowice.

Leon Markiewicz was associated with the State Higher School of Music in Katowice (then the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music) since 1955. He held the following positions at the academy: in 1968-70 - head of the Department of Music Theory, in 1972-76 - head of the Department of Problems of Music Education, as well as pro-rector in 1975 and rector in 1979-81. In 1981-04 he was head of the Department of Music Education. Also associated with the Higher School of Pedagogy in Częstochowa, in 1978-91 he was head of the Department of Music Education, and from 1985 - director of the Institute of Artistic Education.

In 1966-76 he served as Vice-Chairman of the SPAM Main Board. From 1975, he was also vice-chairman of the General Board of the Music Education Association (Polish section of ISME). For many years he was a member and then an expert on music theory at the Council for Higher Artistic Education.
He was honored for his activities with many awards and decorations. He received, among others: Gold Badge of SPAM (1970); Award of the Minister of Culture and Art, second degree (1975, 1982), first degree (1980, 1988); Gold Badge of the Polish Section of ISME (1979); Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (1979); Team Award of the Prime Minister (1985); Team Award of the Minister of Culture and Art, first degree (1987); Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (1997).

May he rest in peace!

Requiescat in Pace.

Ceremonia pogrzebowa odbędzie się w sobotę, 10 lutego, o godz. 12.00 w Kaplicy Cmentarnej przy ul. Francuskiej w Katowicach.

Mieczysław Kominek
Prezes Związku Kompozytorów Polskich