official patronage

9th Schaeffer’s Era Festival

e9th edition of "Schaeffer’s Era" Festival will be held on October 26, 2017 at Studio Tęcza in Warsaw (8 Rydygiera Street). The event will celebrate the 70th anniversary of Schaeffer's artistic work.

"Schaeffer's Era" is an annual international project initiated by the Aurea Porta Foundation based in Warsaw. It's coorganized by the Mazovia Institute of Culture, Studio Tęcza, Stołeczna Estrada, ZAiKS and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute. The event is centered around audiovisual arts and is an attempt to create an interactive theatre space that connects sound, image and movement.

This year's edition celebrates three anniversaries connected with Schaeffer's work as a playwright, composer and graphic artist: 70th anniversary of his artistic work, 30th anniversary of his academic work at Mozarteum in Salzburg, and 50th PhD anniversary at the University of Warsaw as well as 50th anniversary of premiere of Electronic Music.

The main performance directed by Maciej Sobociński will be held at Studio Tęcza at 7.30 p.m. The list of invited artists inludes musicians: Padma Shankar, Ghatam Giridhar Udupa, Nathan Davis, Irinel Anghel, Michał Urbaniak and his band, Lost Education (Patryk Zakrocki, Hanna Piosik, Paweł Szamburski) and Gre Badanien Choir, actors (Marek Frąckowiak, Waldemar Obłoza, Sean Palmer, Lidia Bogaczówna) and dancers (Witek Jurewicz, Lena Kowalska).

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

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