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Dobczyce | Instrumental masterclasses 'Enchanted Virtuoso': violin, cello, piano

polmicMedia patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Between the 3rd and the 9th of July, 2022, Dobczyce will host the ‘Enchanted Virtuoso’ masterclasses for children (from 8 years of age) attending music schools. They will be led by Łukasz Błaszczyk (violin), Jan Kalinowski (cello) and Gajusz Kęska (piano, accompaniment). The application deadline is the 27th of June.

During the courses, the lecturers will give 5 lessons (45 minutes) to each student. Each participant has the opportunity to work with an accompanist (2 x 20 min.) as well. Music of the accompaniment should be sent with the application (if required).

The price of the course includes accommodation and full board.

At the end of the masterclasses a concert of participants will take place, the programme of which will comprise works of Polish composers.

Rules of the masterclasses available at the website: https://szkolamuzyczna.dobczyce.pl/stowarzyszenie/kursy-mistrzowskie