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Jackowo, Redzikowo, Godętowo | 'With classics through Poland': Polish Violin Duo

Z Klasyka 4.8.23

On the 4th, 5th and 6th of August 2023, as part of the ‘With classics through Poland’ series, the Polish Violin Duo will perform in Folwark Jackowo (6.00 pm), in Lądowisko Kultury in Redzikowo (6.00 pm) and in the Godętowo Palace (4.00 pm).

The aim of the project, which began in the second half of 2019, is to reach smaller centers, cities, towns and villages with music programmes performed by the most outstanding Polish artists: to those audiences who have limited access to direct contact with classical music.

In August, the Polish Music Management, operating at the National Institute of Music and Dance, will visit Pomeranian Voivodeship together with the Polish Violin Duo.

Details – on the website https://nimit.pl/