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65th Tadeusz Baird Young Composers' Competition

KonkursBairda 23The Polish Composers' Union invites you to participate in the 65th Tadeusz Baird Young Composers' Competition. The subject of this year's Competition is a piece for orchestra referring to Polish dances, but not being their arrangement. The challenge for the contestant will be, above all, today's understanding of the role of Polish dances and their forms in contemporary music. Scores with the emblem should be submitted via email by the 30th of November, 2023.

The Competition is open to Polish composers (having Polish citizenship or the Pole's Card) who on the day of its closing are under 35 years of age.

The work submitted for the Competition may not be publicly performed or awarded in another competition before its adjudication. Duration of workd: 7'-8'.

The Jury of the Competition will be chaired by Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil

More: https://www.zkp.org.pl/index.php/pl/nasze-dzialania/konkurs-im-bairda