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Materials from the "Warsaw Autumn" Festival available in the new POLMIC Digital Archive

WJMKiDN600 archival photographs and 70 fragments of recordings from the "Warsaw Autumn" International Festival of Contemporary Music have been made available on the new POLMIC Digital Archive portal as part of the "Warsaw Autumn Available!" project.

In recent years, Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC has been archiving, digitizing and sharing recordings and photographs related to the "Warsaw Autumn" International Festival of Contemporary Music – the largest international Polish festival of contemporary music and one of the most important events of this type in Europe and around the world. Unique photographs and sound recordings documenting the festival in over 60 years of its existence are a true national heritage, reflecting the history of Polish musical culture in the second half of the 20th century, immortalizing its creators and presenting their most important works. The aim of our activities is to protect archival materials from inevitable degradation and to make them available to the general public.

For the purpose of presenting our digitized collections, POLMIC Digital Archive – the first digital archive devoted to Polish contemporary music was created in 2020. As part of last year's project, we shared online almost 700 records: photographs documenting festival concerts and accompanying events as captured by Andrzej Glanda – a photographer cooperating with "Warsaw Autumn" in the 1980s, as well as fragments of audio recordings from festival concerts in 1962 and 1963. Our digital collections will continue to grow as more materials are digitized.

The project was co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund.

POLMIC Digital Archive is available at: http://www.archiwumcyfrowe.polmic.pl/

Dwaj Regameyowie – Vol. 2. Nowa, promocyjna płyta CD z muzyką Konstantego i Konstantego Kazimierza Regameyów (polmic 171)

Nowa płyta, wydana w roku 2023 przez Związek Kompozytorów Polskich w ramach serii „Muzyka polska dzisiaj – portrety współczesnych kompozytorów polskich”, nawiązuje do dwupłytowego albumu sprzed trzech lat „Regamey&Regamey – Pasiecznik&Pasiecznik” i jest jego kontynuacją, co podkreśliliśmy w tytule: „Regamey&Regamey – Vol. 2”.

Dzięki wsparciu otrzymanemu w ramach programu „Muzyczny ślad” i bardzo udanej współpracy z Polskim Radiem - Programem 2 i Agencją Muzyczną / Studiami Nagrań PR mieliśmy możliwość zorganizowania sesji nagraniowych w Studiu Koncertowym Polskiego Radia im. Witolda Lutosławskiego z udziałem fantastycznych artystów: śpiewaka barytona Roberta Kollera z Bazylei oraz pianistów Dominiki Peszko, Justyny Danczowskiej i Radosława Goździkowskiego. Pan Jerzy Stankiewicz, który za odkrywanie Regameyów został niedawno nagrodzony Nagrodą ZKP, wyposażył nas w nowo odkryte nuty.

Podobnie jak płyta z roku 2020, również teraz przedstawiamy publiczności muzykę „polskiego kompozytora szwajcarskiego” Konstantego Regameya oraz jego ojca, Konstantego Kazimierza Regameya, postaci, o której do niedawna nie pamiętał niemal nikt, kompozytora i pedagoga, który działał głównie w dalekiej Ukrainie, a w roku 1938 został skazany przez reżim radziecki na śmierć.

Nagrań, tak jak w roku 2020, dokonała w pięknym stylu słynna, najbardziej zasłużona i doświadczona reżyser dźwięku Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewicz.

Książeczka zawiera esej Jerzego Stankiewicza, który zatytułowaliśmy Konstanty Regamey i Konstanty Kazimierz Regamey. Ojciec i syn – Muzyczne spotkanie po latach. Jest to wyraz naszego przejęcia się tematem tej nieznanej dotąd muzyki i historii życia w sposób - obok czysto zawodowego poczucia obowiązku - również bardzo ludzki. Po wyjeździe Regameya syna do Polski po wybuchu rewolucji w roku 1917 tych dwoje ludzi tak sobie bliskich już nigdy się nie spotkało. Dlatego też, publikując ich muzykę na wspólnych płytach, chcemy stworzyć namiastkę ich duchowej współobecności. W książeczce zawarliśmy teksty wszystkich utworów wokalnych w językach: oryginalnych (niemiecki, francuski, rosyjski, polski) oraz w tłumaczeniach na polski i angielski. Przekłady tekstów poetyckich są dziełem Anny Bednarczyk, Marty Kaźmierczak oraz Tomasza Zymera, który przełożył również na język angielski esej Jerzego Stankiewicza.

Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury – państwowego funduszu celowego, w ramach programu „Muzyczny ślad”, realizowanego przez Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca”.

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Płyta powstała również dzięki wsparciu Stowarzyszenia Autorów ZAiKS, a Partnerem ZKP była Repliq Media Sp. z o.o., której wydawca niniejszym dziękuje za bezcenne wsparcie na wszystkich etapach produkcji.

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Współproducentem nagrania muzycznego i wydania płyty jest Program 2 Polskiego Radia.


Płyty wydawane przez Związek Kompozytorów Polskich przeznaczone są wyłącznie do celów promocyjnych, edukacyjnych i naukowych. Nie są sprzedawane. Przekazywane są nieodpłatnie zainteresowanym instytucjom i osobom, przy czym ze względu na bardzo mały nakład i duże zainteresowanie pierwszeństwo mają biblioteki muzyczne, gdzie z każdego egzemplarza może korzystać większy krąg osób. Zainteresowanych prosimy o kontakt z Biblioteką ZKP (kontakt: kThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


Zapraszamy też do zakładki Posłuchaj na stronie Biblioteki ZKP, gdzie wybranych nagrań można posłuchać online.

Two Regameys – father and son – on the album from the "Polish Music Today" series

RegamejThe last album released in 2020 by the Polish Composers' Union as part of the "Polish Music Today – Portraits of Contemporary Polish Composers" series is completely unique. Due to the special relationship and fate of both characters, the publisher made an exception and decided to devote the album to two composers instead of one. In addition to works by the "Polish-Swiss composer" Konstanty Regamey, the CD includes pieces by his father, Konstanty Kazimierz  – an almost completely unknown composer, who worked mainly in distant Ukraine, and in 1938 was sentenced to death by the Soviet regime.

The originator of the project and the author of the essay for the album is Jerzy Stankiewicz, who has devoted many years to researching the life and work of both Regamey (as well as popularizing the discovered works and contexts).

He invited two renowned artists to participate in the project – sisters Olga Pasiecznik (soprano) and Natalia Pasiecznik (piano). They performed a repertoire of songs and romances as well as piano pieces by the Regameys. The recording was made in the Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of the Polish Radio in August 2020 by Ewa Guziołek.

The booklet contains essays written by musicologist Jerzy Stankiewicz and literary scholar Anna Bednarczyk (in Polish and English), as well as song lyrics in the original languages ​​(Polish and Russian) and their translations into Polish and English prepared by Anna Bednarczyk and Marta Kaźmierczak.

Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund as part of the "Musical Trace" programme operated by the Institute of Music and Dance. The album was released thanks to the support of the ZAiKS Authors' Association. The project partner was Repliq Media Sp. z o.o. Co-producer of the recording and CD edition is Programme 2 of the Polish Radio.

The Polish Composers' Union own releases are intended solely for promotional, educational and research purposes. They are not intended for sale. They are provided free of charge to interested institutions and individuals, but due to the very small circulation and large interest, priority is given to music libraries, where a broad audience can benefit from each set. If you are interested, please contact the Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC (contact: Izabela Zymer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


Two Regameys – Vol. 2. New, promotional CD recording with music of Konstanty and Konstanty Kazimierz Regamey (polmic 171)

The new album, released in 2023 by the Polish Composers' Union as part of the series "Polish Music Today - Portraits of Contemporary Polish Composers", refers to the double album from three years ago "Regamey & Regamey – Pasiecznik & Pasiecznik" and is its continuation, as we emphasized in the title: "Regamey & Regamey - Vol. 2".

Thanks to the support received under the "Muzyczny trace" programme and very successful cooperation with Programme 2 of the Polish Radio and the Music Agency / PR Recording Studios, we had the opportunity to organize recording sessions in the Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of the Polish Radio with the participation of fantastic artists: baritone singer Robert Koller from Basel and pianists Dominika Peszko, Justyna Danczowska and Radosław Goździkowski. Mr. Jerzy Stankiewicz, who was recently awarded ZKP Award for discovering Regameys, provided us with newly discovered sheet music.

Like the album from 2020, we also now present to the public the music of the "Polish Swiss composer" Konstanty Regamey and his father, Konstanty Kazimierz Regamey, a figure that almost no one remembered until recently, a composer and teacher who worked mainly in distant Ukraine, and in 1938 he was sentenced to death by the Soviet regime.

The recordings, as in 2020, were made in a beautiful style by the famous, most distinguished and experienced sound director Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewicz.

Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund, as part of the ‘Muzyczny ślad’ (‘Musical Trace’) programme implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance.

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The album was also created thanks to the support of the ZAiKS Authors' Association, and the ZKP partner was Repliq Media Sp. z o. o., which the publisher hereby thanks for its invaluable support at all stages of production.

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The co-producer of the music recording and album release is Programme 2 of the Polish Radio.



Records issued by the Polish Composers' Union are intended solely for promotional, educational and scientific purposes. They are not sold. They are provided free of charge to interested institutions and people, but due to the very small circulation and great interest, priority is given to music libraries, where each copy can be used by a larger group of people. If you are interested, please contact ZKP Library (contact: kThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


Please check Posłuchaj tab at ZKP Library website, where you can listen to selected recordings online.

Two Regameys – father and son – on the album from the "Polish Music Today" series

RegamejThe last album released in 2020 by the Polish Composers' Union as part of the "Polish Music Today – Portraits of Contemporary Polish Composers" series is completely unique. Due to the special relationship and fate of both characters, the publisher made an exception and decided to devote the album to two composers instead of one. In addition to works by the "Polish-Swiss composer" Konstanty Regamey, the CD includes pieces by his father, Konstanty Kazimierz  – an almost completely unknown composer, who worked mainly in distant Ukraine, and in 1938 was sentenced to death by the Soviet regime.

The originator of the project and the author of the essay for the album is Jerzy Stankiewicz, who has devoted many years to researching the life and work of both Regamey (as well as popularizing the discovered works and contexts).

He invited two renowned artists to participate in the project – sisters Olga Pasiecznik (soprano) and Natalia Pasiecznik (piano). They performed a repertoire of songs and romances as well as piano pieces by the Regameys. The recording was made in the Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of the Polish Radio in August 2020 by Ewa Guziołek.

The booklet contains essays written by musicologist Jerzy Stankiewicz and literary scholar Anna Bednarczyk (in Polish and English), as well as song lyrics in the original languages ​​(Polish and Russian) and their translations into Polish and English prepared by Anna Bednarczyk and Marta Kaźmierczak.

Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund as part of the "Musical Trace" programme operated by the Institute of Music and Dance. The album was released thanks to the support of the ZAiKS Authors' Association. The project partner was Repliq Media Sp. z o.o. Co-producer of the recording and CD edition is Programme 2 of the Polish Radio.

The Polish Composers' Union own releases are intended solely for promotional, educational and research purposes. They are not intended for sale. They are provided free of charge to interested institutions and individuals, but due to the very small circulation and large interest, priority is given to music libraries, where a broad audience can benefit from each set. If you are interested, please contact the Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC (contact: Izabela Zymer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).