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Dokumentacja polskiej kultury muzycznej na nowej stronie POLMIC: tworzenie portali o tematyce artystycznej w systemie CMS Joomla!

WJ 20.9.23Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC zaprasza na spotkanie online pt. „Dokumentacja polskiej kultury muzycznej na nowej stronie POLMIC: tworzenie portali o tematyce artystycznej w systemie CMS Joomla!", które odbędzie się w ramach 66. Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Muzyki Współczesnej „Warszawska Jesień" 20 września 2023 roku o godz. 16.00.

Spotkanie poprowadzi dr Mieczysław Kominek – prezes ZKP, dyrektor POLMIC. Udział w wydarzeniu wezmą: ekspert w dziedzinie Joomla! Marcin Równicki, Izabela Zymer  - koordynator projektu, oraz redaktor portalu polmic.pl dr Wiktoria Antonczyk.

Podczas pierwszej prezentacji projektu „Najpiękniejsza jest muzyka polska – dokumentacja polskiej kultury muzycznej na stronie www.polmic.pl” opowiemy również o historii Polskiego Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC, działającego od 2001 roku.

Projekt realizowany w latach 2022–2024 dzięki wsparciu Ministra Edukacji i Nauki w ramach programu „Nauka dla społeczeństwa”.

Link do wydarzeniahttps://meet.google.com/crs-qogu-uay

ZOBACZ: wydarzenie na FB https://www.facebook.com/events/686289939688140 

Renewable Music. V4 Composers for Sustainability

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'Renewable Music. V4 Composers for Sustainability' is an international project implemented in 2023-2025 by the Polish Composers' Union in cooperation with Berg Orchestra (Czech Republic), Waves Bratislava (Slovakia) and UMZE Association (Hungary) as part of the Creative Europe 2021-2027 programme.

The main objective of the project is to revive international cooperation after the COVID-19 pandemic and to raise awareness of the growing climate and energy crisis by developing environmentally friendly practices in the music sector. Four new pieces of music inspired by the idea of ‘renewability’ will be commissioned from selected composers representing the Visegrad Group countries. The commissioned pieces will be performed at four different concerts (in Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava, and Budapest), each by a local ensemble, whose members will be joined by musicians from partner countries as part of the international artist exchange programme. The concerts will take place in locations that will be adapted to the unique conditions of open-air concert sites, reflecting each location's bond with the surrounding environment. The concerts will be accompanied by workshops, masterclasses, open rehearsals and lectures. The project will be summed up by an international conference devoted to the ideas of ecology and sustainable development in music.

Mycielski online. Presentation of the internet portal www.mycielski.polmic.pl

Mycielski 16.5.23

The Polish Composers' Union and the Polish Music Information Center POLMIC invite you on the 16th of May, 2023 at 6.00 p.m. to the presentation of the internet portal www.mycielski.polmic.pl, dedicated to the composer and writer Zygmunt Mycielski (1907–1987). The event will take place as part of the 37th Warsaw Music Meetings festival in the Concert Hall of the Polish Music Edition in Warsaw. Free entrance!

This is another of the portals dedicated to selected composers and musicologists, implemented by the Polish Composers' Union and made available on the polmic.pl website. On the portal you can find texts, photographs and recordings related to Mycielski and his compositions and writing. The website is also available in English.

During the meeting, the creators of the portal: Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska, Barbara Mielcarek-Krzyżanowska and Marek Zagańczyk will present the content of the portal, discuss selected texts by Mycielski, recordings of his music and fragments of radio broadcasts dedicated to him.

Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska

Read more: Mycielski online. Presentation of the internet portal www.mycielski.polmic.pl

Warsaw | Resurrection of Music: The Forgotten Composer Konstanty Gorski. The Lost Opera "Margier" and the full reconstruction of its score by conductor Ivan Kostyakhin

Gorski 26.4.23The Polish Composers' Union, PWM Edition and the Konstanty Gorski Music Society on the 26th of April, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. invite you to a music and art gathering 'Resurrection of Music: The Forgotten Composer Konstanty Gorski. The Lost Opera "Margier" and the full reconstruction of its score by conductor Ivan Kostyakhin'. The event, featuring Maestro Kostyakhin, as well as the Polish Composers Union President Mieczysław Kominek, Grzegorz Seroczyński - the head of the recently established Konstanty Gorski Music Society - and artists who will present excerpts from the work, will take place at the Polish Music Edition office in the center of Warsaw (Fredry 8 street). Admission is free!


This remarkable artist, active and significant on the map of musical culture of his time, lived the life of an "eternal migrant" and, probably, for this reason he is almost completely forgotten today. Composer, violinist, and teacher Konstanty Gorski was born in 1859 in the territory of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania (in Lida, now a city in Belarus), died in 1924 in Poznań, studied in Grodno, Vilnius, Warsaw, and St. Petersburg, worked in Georgia, Ukraine, and in the reborn Second Polish Republic. His beautiful music deserves to be popularized especially since next year marks the 100th anniversary of Konstanty Gorski's death.

Read more: Warsaw | Resurrection of Music: The Forgotten Composer Konstanty Gorski. The Lost Opera "Margier"...

Elaboration and conservation of the newly found files of the Polish Composers' Union Archive

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Thanks to the subsidy of the General Directorate of State Archives as part of the competition for the implementation of the public task ‘Supporting archival activities 2022’ in the second half of 2022, we were able to continue the work started a year earlier. The works concern the files of the Polish Composers’ Union from the years 1945-1989 and consist in organizing documents, creating a new, coherent inventory and securing the archives against destruction in accordance with current conservation requirements.

Read more: Elaboration and conservation of the newly found files of the Polish Composers' Union Archive

Sound Chronicle of the 2020 ‘Warsaw Autumn’ Festival now available

Okładka Kroniki WJ 2020

Still with delay - because of financing troubles with finding funds in previous years - we present to you the next, 2020 edition of the ‘Sound Chronicle of the Warsaw Autumn’.

Unfortunately we did not succeed to obtain enough fundings to produce large sets, as it was the case many years ago (when the 'Sound Chronicle' consisted of 7 to 10 CDs). Therefore, similarily to that of the last year, the 2020 ‘Sound Chronicle of the Warsaw Autumn’ consists of three audio CDs and presents recordings of some concerts, including the inauguration and final event.

Here you will find a list of compositions published on promotional CDs of the Sound Chronicle of the 2020 'Warsaw Autumn' Festival:

CD nr 1 (polmic 168)

/ 1
ElettroVoce (Agata Zubel & Cezary Duchnowski)
Whims for semantoabsorbing phonotyser (2020)
for voice, electronics and piano
and orchestra
First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission with the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
ElettroVoce: Agata Zubel soprano
Cezary Duchnowski electronics, piano
Barbara Okon-Makowska, Aleksandra Koniuch, Piotr Papier sound projection
/ 2
Aleksandra Kaca
rilievo (2020)
for orchestra and electronics
First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission with the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
Monika Wolinska conductor
Barbara Okon-Makowska, Aleksandra Koniuch, Piotr Papier sound projection
/ 3
ElettroVoce (Agata Zubel & Cezary Duchnowski)
Whims for desemantric verbaphone (2020)
for voice, electronics and piano
First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission with the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
ElettroVoce: Agata Zubel soprano
Cezary Duchnowski electronics, piano
Barbara Okon-Makowska, Aleksandra Koniuch, Piotr Papier sound projection
/ 4
Mikołaj Laskowski 
Infectious (Feel It®) (2020)
for big band and electronics
First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission with the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS 
Piotr Kostrzewa big band coaching
Maciej Tomasiewicz conductor
Barbara Okon-Makowska, Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewicz, Aleksandra Koniuch, Michał Bereza sound projection
/ 5
Joanna Woźny 
canti in/versi (2020)
for choir and electronics
First performance 
Warsaw Autumn and Warsaw Philharmonic commission
Bartosz Michałowski conductor
Barbara Okon-Makowska, Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewicz, Aleksandra Koniuch, Michał Bereza sound projection
/ 6
Żaneta Rydzewska 
don’t look (2020)
for two violins, accordion, piano, percussion and electronics
First performance
Composed thanks to the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
Barbara Mglej violin
Paulina Wos-Gucik violin
Martyna Zakrzewska piano
Aleksandra Gołaj percussion
Alena Budzináková-Palus accordion, electronics
Stanisław Zarychta video
Przemysław Kunda sound projection
/ 7
Kuba Krzewiński
Contre no. 2 (2019)
for piano and gran cassa
Lutosławski Piano Duo:
Emilia Sitarz & Bartłomiej Wąsik

CD nr 2 (polmic 169)

/ 1
Monika Szpyrka 
Zoom in/dolly out (2020)
for ensemble and electronics
First performance
Composed thanks to the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
Barbara Mglej violin
Paulina Wos-Gucik violin
Martyna Zakrzewska piano
Aleksandra Gołaj percussion
Alena Budzináková-Palus accordion, electronics
Stanisław Zarychta video
Przemysław Kunda sound projection
/ 2
Martyna Kosecka 
Isorropía. In Search of Balance (2020)
for amplified quintet and electroacoustic layer
First performance
Spółdzielnia Muzyczna Society commission
Cofinanced by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage’s Culture Promotion Fund within the Composing Commissions programme, implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance
Barbara Mglej violin
Paulina Wos-Gucik violin
Martyna Zakrzewska piano
Aleksandra Gołaj percussion
Alena Budzináková-Palus accordion, electronics
Stanisław Zarychta video
Przemysław Kunda sound projection
/ 3
Teoniki Rożynek
Float (2020)
for instrumental ensemble
First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission with the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
Rüdiger Bohn conductor
/ 4
Rafał Zapała
Futility (2020)
for five instruments, electronics and video
First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission with the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
Anne Gillot recorder
Benoît Morel viola
Aurélien Ferrette cello
Tomás Fernández double bass
Mauricio Carrasco guitar
Daniel Zea electronics
Arturo Corrales ensemble coordinator
Marek Straszak visual layer in the work of Rafał Zapała
Szymon Kaliski interactive system in the work of Rafał Zapała
/ 5
Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil
The Nightingale and the Stone (2020)
for two pianos and two percussion
from the cycle Reportages
First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission
Cofinanced by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage’s Culture Promotion Fund within the Composing Commissions programme, implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance
Emilia Sitarz piano
Bartłomiej Wasik piano
Magdalena Kordylasinska-Pekala percussion
Piotr Maslanka percussion
Kamil Keska sound projection

CD nr 3 (polmic 170)

/ 1
Paweł Hendrich
for string trio
Christian Danowicz violin
Michał Micker viola
Marcin Misiak cello
/ 2
Tomasz Skweres
for string orchestra
Christian Danowicz conductor
/ 3
Przemysław Scheller
The Little Match Girl (2019)
for string orchestra
Christian Danowicz conductor
/ 4-6
Ewa Trębacz
Metanoia (2020)
concerto for violin, string orchestra and surround sound
First performance
National Forum of Music commission 
Cofinanced by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage’s Culture Promotion Fund within the Composing Commissions programme, implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance
Adam Bałdych violin
Christian Danowicz conductor
Paweł Hendrich electronics (live)
Ewa Trębacz, electronics (fixed-media)
In the electronic layer: Josiah Boothby – French horn, Ewa Trębacz – violin

/ 7
Anna Sowa
Message for the Year of the Metal Rat II (2020)
for two violins, accordion, piano, percussion and electronics
First performances
Composed thanks to the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
Barbara Mglej violin
Paulina Wos-Gucik violin
Martyna Zakrzewska piano
Aleksandra Gołaj percussion
Alena Budzináková-Palus accordion, electronics
Stanisław Zarychta video
Przemysław Kunda sound projection

hta video
Przemysław Kunda sound projection

At the same time we continue online presentation of the ‘Sound Chronicle’ with the Festival’s chosen works. You may listen to excerpts of the 2020 Warsaw Autumn under the 'LISTEN ONLINE' bookmark and on  https://bibliotekazkp.org.pl/.

The project has been subsidised by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Culture Promotion Fund as part of the National Institute of Music and Dance programme ‘Muzyczny ślad‘ (Musical Trace).


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The album was released thanks to the support of the ZAiKS Authors' Association. The project partner was Repliq Media Sp. z o.o. We cordially thank all those institutions for their generous support.

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The Polish Composers' Union own releases are intended solely for promotional, educational and research purposes. They are not intended for sale. They are provided free of charge to interested institutions and individuals, but due to the very small circulation and large interest, priority is given to music libraries, where a broad audience can benefit from each set. If you are interested, please contact the Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC (contact: Izabela Zymer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Read more: Sound Chronicle of the 2020 ‘Warsaw Autumn’ Festival now available

Witold Lutosławski w fotografiach Polskiego Centrum Informacji Muzycznej

200 fotografii Witolda LutosławskiegoPonad 200 fotografii Witolda Lutosławskiego w serwisie www.polmic.pl !

Prezentowane zdjęcia pochodzą z różnych okresów - najstarsze z 1946 roku, a najnowsze (już w kolorze) z roku 1993. Kompozytor uwieczniony został podczas najróżniejszych wydarzeń, organizowanych przez Związek Kompozytorów Polskich - jako dyrygent swoich kompozycji na festiwalu "Warszawska Jesień" (m.in. z Krystianem Zimermanem), słuchacz festiwalowych koncertów, czy też po prostu kolega, przyjaciel wielu znakomitych artystów podczas zakulisowych spotkań. Wśród tych ostatnich do najcenniejszych obrazów należą fotografie Witolda Lutosławskiego z Andrzejem Panufnikiem, Henrykiem Mikołajem Góreckiem, Krzysztofem Pendereckim, Michałem Bristigerem, Andrzejem Dobrowolskim, Mieczysławem Tomaszewskim oraz Nadią Boulanger, Johnem Carterem i Olivierem Messiaenem. 

Część zdjęć udostępnionych w cyfrowej galerii pochodzi również z prywatnych zbiorów fotografików, zwłaszcza Andrzeja Zborskiego, który wielokrotnie gościł w domu Witolda Lutosławskiego (tak powstały cykle portretów w 1960, 1961, 1966 i 1972 roku) oraz na posiedzeniu Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Muzyki Współczesnej w styczniu 1968 roku, które miało miejsce m.in. w bibliotece ZKP (czyli obecnej siedzibie Polskiego Centrum Informacji Muzycznej).

Read more: Witold Lutosławski w fotografiach Polskiego Centrum Informacji Muzycznej

Konkurs foto/video z dziećmi rozstrzygnięty!


Rozstrzygnięty został konkurs na najciekawsze zdjęcie lub krótki film Mój muzykalny maluchogłoszony przez serwis Polmic.pl we współpracy z krakowskim Wydawnictwem "Znak" - wydawcą książeczki dla dzieci Mały Chopin. Wybór zdjęć był bardzo, bardzo trudny, gdyż każde zdjęcie było niezwykłe! Dziękujemy wszystkim za nadesłane zgłoszenia. W związku bardzo dużym zainteresowaniem konkursem postanowilśmy przyznać więcej nagród i tak:


  • książeczkę Mały Chopin oraz specjalną niespodziankę ufundowane przez Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej otrzymuje Janek Lasoń, lat 2 i pół za film pt. Mały skrzypek


trzy książeczki pt. Mały Chopin ufundowane przez wydawnictwo "Znak" otrzymują:

  • Adaś Plackowski, lat 3 - tytuł: Muzykoterapia domowa (na zdjęciu z siostrą Jagodą)
  • Leon Marut, lat 3 (na zdjęciu miał 11 miesięcy) - tytuł: Zakochany stroiciel
  • Laura Skuza, lat 2 - tytuł: Coś tu nie gra!  


dodatkowe trzy książeczki pt. Mały Chopin ufundowane przez jej współwydawcę - Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina otrzymują:

  • Rysio, 6 miesięcy - tytuł: Musica Moderna Viva (autor zdjęcia: Tomasz Woźniak)
  • Pati, lat 2 - tytuł: dj Pati (autor zdjęcia: Kamila Mazur)
  • Majeczka, 2 i pół roku - tytuł: Brzdąkanie (autor zdjęcia: Tadeusz Robaszyński-Janiec) 
Obejrzyj GALERIĘ fotografii...Konkurs foto/video z dziećmi rozstrzygnięty!

New website: mycielski.polmic.pl

grafika strona mycielski

We are happy to announce that the new website launched by the Polish Composers' Union is available at mycielski.polmic.pl .

It is devoted to Zgmunt Mycielski, the composer and writer, and was prepared in both Polish and English. Members of the working team were: Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska, Barbara Mielcarek-Krzyżanowska, Marek Zagańczyk, Iwona Lindstedt, Izabela Zymer, Filip Wróblewski, Jakub Tomczak, Anna Kijak as well as the Rytm Digital studio.

The project was co-financed by the Minister of Education and Science as part of the “Social Responsibility of Science” programme in 2021 and 2022. Project title: Zygmunt Mycielski – composer, writer, thinker, witness to the epoch. Subsidy: 100000,00 zł. The whole budget: 125000,00. 

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Partners of the project are: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne – PWM Edition,Zygmunt Mycielski Society in Wiśniowa, Zygmunt Mycielski State Music School in Strzyżów. 

The editors and the organiser express their gratitude to all the parties - both institutions and private persons - who supported the project.

Read more: New website: mycielski.polmic.pl

51st Musicology Conference of the Polish Composers' Union ‘Music and Expression, Katowice, 13-15 October 2022

POLMICOn October 13-15, 2022, the 51st Musicology Conference of the Polish Composers' Union ‘Music and Expression’ was held at the Academy of Music in Katowice. Musicologists and music theorists from all over Poland debated the problems related to expression in music - its definition, presence, perception and various types of interpretations.

The proceedings were accompanied by two symphonic concerts – of the Academic Symphony Orchestra of Karol Szymanowski conducted by Mirosław Jacek Błaszczyk and of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, led by Domingo Hindoyan.

The participants listened to 42 papers, one discussion panel and two plenary lectures given by the invited guests: Prof. Karol Berger from Stanford University (USA) and Prof. Krzysztof Guczalski from the Jagiellonian University. At the end of the conference the participants also visited the Museum of the History of the City of Katowice and the historic district of Nikiszowiec.

Selected materials from the conference will be published in the ‘Polish Music Yearbook’ 2023, as well as in other magazines. The organizers of the conference were the Polish Composers' Union - Section of Musicologists and the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice. The conference was organized by the committee composed of: Bartłomiej Barwinek, Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska, Agnieszka Nowok-Zych, Wojciech Stępień, Magdalena Stochniol and Marcin Trzęsiok. Plenary lectures of invited guests were registered by the organizers.

Registered lectures available at the YouTube Biblioteki ZKP.

The Conference is supported by the Minister of Science and Higher Education as part of the programme:  ‘Doskonała nauka - wsparcie konferencji naukowych 2021’ (‘Excellent Science – Support of Academic Conferences 2021’). Tytuł projektu: 51. Konferencja Muzykologiczna ZKP (The 51st Musicological Concerence of the Polish Composers' Union). Subsidy: 62975 PLN; the whole budget of the project: 96975 PLN.

MEiN znak podstawowy kolor biale tlo

mein doskonala nauka on white


Read more: 51st Musicology Conference of the Polish Composers' Union ‘Music and Expression, Katowice, 13-15...