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Warsaw | "Meetings at the Composers'". New polmic.pl and our guests Tadeusz Wielecki and Adam Suprynowicz

NowyPolmic 21 6 24

On the 21st of June 2024 at 5 p.m., we invite you to a meeting and mini-concert as part of the series "Meetings at the Composers’" at the Warsaw premises of the Polish Composers' Union (Rynek Starego Miasta 27). We will present a new polmic.pl website, a photo gallery of Andrzej Markowski celebrating the 100th anniversary of his birth, and we will also learn about the work of the composer and double bassist Tadeusz Wielecki and the musicologist Adam Suprynowicz on a new book. There will also be no shortage of musical and sweet surprises! Free entrance!

"Meeting at the Composers’" will be led by Dr. Mieczysław Kominek - president of ZKP, director of POLMIC. The event will also be attended by: an expert in Joomla! Marcin Równicki, Izabela Zymer - project coordinator, and the editor of the polmic.pl portal, Dr. Wiktoria Antonczyk.

During the presentation of the renewed website, we will talk about the activities of the Polish Music Information Center POLMIC. The project "Polish music is the most beautiful - documentation of Polish musical culture on the www.polmic.pl website" has been implemented in 2022–2024 thanks to the support of the Minister of Education and Science as part of the "Science for Society" programme. The Patron of this event is Society of Authors ZAiKS.


Read more: Warsaw | "Meetings at the Composers'". New polmic.pl and our guests Tadeusz Wielecki and Adam...

Wrocław | End of season of the NFM Choir

Event date: 2024-06-23

NFM 23 6 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The Mother of God, Saint Cecilia, the Bride from the Song of Songs - three female figures present in Christian culture, although of ancient origin, were also a source of inspiration for the most outstanding composers of the twentieth century. The NFM Choir, conducted by Lionel Sowa, will refer to them during a concert on June 23, 2024 at 4.00 p.m. Polish works - works by Andrzej Panufnik, Henryk Mikołaj Górecki and Krzysztof Penderecki, as well as Hymn to St. Cecilia by the Englishman Benjamin Britten and a masterpiece of French choral music - Le Cantique des cantiques by Jean Yves Daniel-Lesur.

"You are more beautiful than the moon, purer than the stars, brighter than the sun, Mary!" – the musicians will sing in the opening concert of the Song to the Virgin Mary by Andrzej Panufnik. This quite simple Marian song with a melody referring to folk music and Gregorian chant was written by him in exile as a result of inspiration from Polish folk piety.

Press release

More: https://www.nfm.wroclaw.pl/component/nfmcalendar/event/10274 

Read more: Wrocław | End of season of the NFM Choir

Warsaw | Sinfonia Iuventus: end of the artistic season 2023/2024

Event date: 2024-06-22

POSI 22 6 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The last concert of the Polish Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra this season will take place on the 22nd of June, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of the Polish Radio in Warsaw. The musicians, conducted by Norbert Twórczyński, a graduate of the Academy of Music in Poznań and the Academy of Art in Szczecin, will play with Krzysztof Grzybowski, one of the most recognized Polish clarinetists of his generation.

The programme includes the colorful Serenade in D minor, Op. 44 by Antonín Dvořák for a rather unusual ensemble, which, in addition to two oboes, clarinets and bassoons, included three horns and a contrabassoon ad libitum, as well as string fondamento for cello and double bass. The work combines pathos with humor, also evoking the spirit of Czech folk dances.

More: https://sinfoniaiuventus.pl/dvorak-nielsen-karlowicz-zakonczenie-sezonu-artystycznego-2023-2024/ 

Read more: Warsaw | Sinfonia Iuventus: end of the artistic season 2023/2024

Poznań | Premiere "4 Pastor / León & Lightfoot / Bondara"

Event date: 2024-06-22

4Pastor 22 6 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

Despite many associations resulting from the title of the premiere ballet evening "4 Pastor/ León & Lightfoot/ Bondara", the main characters of the show at the Grand Theater in Poznań on the 22nd of June, 2024 at 7 p.m. will be the director of the Polish National Ballet, the director of the Ballet of the Grand Theater in Poznań, and Sol León and Paul Lighfoot - choreographers associated with the Nederlands Dans Theater. The Orchestra of the Grand Theater in Poznań will perform conducted by Marta Kluczyńska.

Works by world-famous artists who share an extraordinary intuition in infusing choreography with contemporary contexts will be presented. Virtuosity, emotions, variety of choreographic expression, combined with poetry and music of the 19th and 20th centuries, will reflect relationships with other people, the search for answers to whether we can set limits for ourselves and others and for what reasons we constantly push them.

The Moving Rooms performance, choreographed by Krzysztof Pastor, will be accompanied by Alfred Schnittke's Concerto grosso I and Concerto for harpsichord and string orchestra, Op. 40 by Henryk Mikołaj Górecki.

Details: https://opera.poznan.pl/pl/leon-lightfoot-pastor-bondara-wieczor-baletowy 

Read more: Poznań | Premiere "4 Pastor / León & Lightfoot / Bondara"

II Letnia Międzypokoleniowa Akademia Muzyczna w Krośnie Odrzańskim

Event date: 2024-06-21

Miedzypokoleniowa 21 6 24Patronat medialny nad wydarzeniem objęło Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.

Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów zaprasza na koncerty w ramach "Letniej Międzypokoleniowej Akademii Muzycznej w Krośnie Odrzańskim” w dniach 21 i 29 czerwca 2024. Koncerty oraz spotkania z artystami, m.in. z legendarną Ewą Pobłocką, odbędą się w Państwowej Szkole Muzycznej im. Fryderyka Chopina w Krośnie Odrzańskim. Wstęp bezpłatny.

21 czerwca o godz. 18.00 pianiści Monika Gardoń-Preinl i Grzegorz Mania prawykonają "Tango", "Ragtime" i "Blues" Juliusza Karcza na dwa fortepiany, zaprezentują fortepianowe kompozycje Marty Mołodyńskiej-Wheeler na 4 ręce oraz popularne duety o charakterze tanecznym F. Schuberta i M. Moszkowskiego.

Read more: II Letnia Międzypokoleniowa Akademia Muzyczna w Krośnie Odrzańskim

Łomża | World premiere of "Concerto-Fantasy" by Jerzy Maksymiuk

Event date: 2024-06-20

FL 20 6 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The Łomża Chamber Philharmonic invites you to a unique concert of the Orchestra conducted by Jerzy Maksymiuk, ending the 2023/2024 artistic season. On the 20th of June at 6:30 p.m. world premiere of the Concerto-Fantasy for violin and chamber orchestra, composed especially for the Chamber Philharmonic in Łomża by Maestro will take place. The solo part will be performed by the recognized Polish violinist Maria Machowska.

In one of reviews, Joanna Illuque ("Presto") rightly noted: "If Jerzy Maksymiuk is the conductor, the audience can expect not only a great level of performance, but also a real show with elements of performance." During the concert in Łomża, he will perform not only as a conductor, but also as a composer. His latest work was created as part of the "Composer's Commissions" programme implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance. As the composer he himself emphasizes, "It will be more of a concerto grosso, i.e. the participation of the chamber orchestra will be greater than usually in concerts where the solo part dominates."

Additional information: https://filharmonia.lomza.pl/wydarzenie/maestro/ 

Read more: Łomża | World premiere of "Concerto-Fantasy" by Jerzy Maksymiuk

Katowice | Romantic recital: Lidia Grychtołówna

Event date: 2024-06-16

FS 16 6 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The Silesian Philharmonic invites you on the 16th of June, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. for a recital by maestra Lidia Grychtołówna, in which we will hear the most beautiful romantic piano miniatures and contemporary music. The recital will be recorded and the resulting material will be used in a film about the pianist's artistic activity prepared by TVN.

The recital will begin with the Impromptu in E flat major, Op. 90 No. 2 composed in 1827 by Franz Schubert. Then we will hear Children's Scenes by Robert Schumann - a series of 13 miniatures constituting a musical return to childhood, including the most famous of the composer's works: the poetic Dream. Composed in 1897, Intermezzo Op. 177 No. 2 by Johannes Brahms reflects the composer's interest in lullabies.

Press release

More: https://filharmonia-slaska.eu/production/romantyczny-recital-lidia-grychtolowna/ 

Read more: Katowice | Romantic recital: Lidia Grychtołówna

Zielona Góra | "Polish Music Scene": Jakub Kuszlik

Event date: 2024-06-16

FZ 6 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

On the 16th of June, 2024 at 7.00 p.m. at the Zielona Góra Philharmonic, as part of the programme of the National Institute of Music and Dance "Polish Music Scene", a recital by Jakub Kuszlik - winner of international competitions, including the 4th prize at the 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw and the Polish Radio award for the best performance of Mazurkas will take place.

In the interpretation of the pianist, about whom The Gramophone magazine wrote: "He was born to play Chopin", we will hear the Polonaise-fantasy in A flat major, Op. 61 by Fryderyk Chopin, Metopes by Karol Szymanowski and Piano Sonatas No. 1 and 2 by Grażyna Bacewicz. The concert's repertoire will therefore reflect the development of Polish piano music.

Ticket information: https://filharmoniazg.pl/events/scena-muzyki-polskiej-koncert-kameralny-4/ 

Response to the ZKP letter regarding the future of the Library of the Warsaw Music Society

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Responding to a letter from the President of the Polish Composers' Union, Mieczysław Kominek, to the President of the Capital City of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski regarding the Library of the Warsaw Music Society, on the 12th of June, 2024, the Director of the Culture Office, Mr. Artur Jóźwik, wrote that:

"We asked the bailiff handling the case to suspend the activities until the collections in the premises were properly secured. The bailiff agreed - the date of the bailiff's enforcement was postponed.

Unfortunately, for years the Warsaw Music Society has not fulfilled its obligation to settle the rent for the premises it occupies. Matters related to the lease of premises are handled by the Śródmieście District of the Capital City of Warsaw. At the same time, we must bear in mind that the local government is statutorily obliged to collect debts from debtors.

Read more: Response to the ZKP letter regarding the future of the Library of the Warsaw Music Society