
The Witold Lutosławski Scholarship

Witold Lutosławski The Management Board of the Witold Lutosławski Society has announced that, acting on behalf of the Composer’s family, in the year 2009 the Society can grant one Witold Lutosławski scholarship for postgraduate studies abroad, to the amount of 10 000 USD. Eligible for this scholarship are: graduates of Polish nationality who completed their studies in music academies and music universities in Poland, including instrumentalists of various kinds, singers, composers and conductors.

Applications with the required documents (such as the Polish degree, proof of passing entrance exams to the foreign academy of their choice, a list of achievements, incl. competitions and concerts, as well as reference letters from two academic lecturers with professorial titles) must be submitted by 15th February 2009 to: The Witold Lutosławski Society, 23, Bracka St., 00-028 Warszawa.

Jadwiga Rappé, President of the Witold Lutosławski Society Management Board