official patronage

12th International Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki Festival

fggg12th edition of the Festival – twelve cities and twenty concerts with the participation of the celebrities of the Polish and world music scene. This year's International Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki Festival starts on November 17 in Bytom and will last till December 3, 2017.

The programme includes a large dose of Polish music, as well as world Baroque classics. 12th edition celebrates the anniversaties of Gorczycki (350th birthday anniversary), Telemann (250th death anniversary), Haydn (285th birthday anniversary) and Nowowiejski (140th birthday anniversary).

The festival features outstanding artists, such as Piotr Anderszewski, Joseph Tawadros, Valeriy Sokolov, Franz Raml, Szymon Nehring, Yeyoung Sohn, Łukasz Długosz, Andrzej Lampert, Kasia Moś, Davide Fior, Katarzyna Myćka, Diego Godoy-Gutiérrez, Jiří Miroslav Procházka, and ensembles: Hassler Consort, Morphing Chamber Orchestra Vienna, Wiener Kammersymphonie, Extempore, Cracow Royal Singers, Octava Ensemble, Mozarteum, Baroque Collegium 1685, Capella Cracoviensis, Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sinfonietta Cracovia, AUKSO Chamber Orchestra and Camerata Silesia.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Detailed programme