
Wrocław | 31st Musica Polonica Nova. #network

mpnThe 31st edition of Musica Polonica Nova Festival will take place on 20-18 April 2018 at the National Forum of Music and will reflect on how the Internet affects arts and social behaviours. The event is coorganized by Polish Composer's Union.

The #network motto denotes not only the Internet, but also the network structure of the programme, in which individual threads can intertwine during various events. The festival is addressed above all to young listeners (in their 20s, 30s and 40s) for whom the network has become a natural space of living. The music presented during MPN is not encapsulated in the connoisseur bubble, but interacts with the surrounding reality. The post-Internet trend will be strongly present during the festival, commenting upon the network’s influence on our daily lives.

The Spółdzielnia Muzyczna (Music Cooperative) project breaks a taboo, bringing up the issue of the role of money in arts. The #online concert will open the festival to audiences all over the world through live streaming, whereas #offline will provide a retreat from the hustle and bustle of the big city. Given the Internet creations based on all sorts of re-mixing, mash-ups and covers, the festival will clash and transform a symphony orchestra with an improvising musician, classic opera with multimedia, traditional music with experimental music, thus redefining whatever a concert experience means.

Detailed programme at: