
Katowice | Miserere mei Deus – Good Friday Music

Camerata Silesia

The Katowice City Singers' Ensemble "Camerata Silesia" under the direction of Anna Szostak will perform an exceptional passion programme on Good Friday night, April 19, 2019 at 11:00 p.m. in the Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul in Katowice (32 Mikołowska St.).

The concert-mystery "Miserere mei Deus – Music for Good Friday" will be an element of a great vigil. In one of the largest temples in Katowice, the famous Gregorio Allegri's Miserere will be performed. The programme will also include Paweł Łukaszewski's Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross for cello and two choruses ando John Tavener's Svyatyi, featuring cellist Marcin Zdunik. The concert-mystery will be complemented by Peteris Vasks' Pater Noster and Sabina Meck's attangement of the song People, my people. Music will intertwine with recitations by actor Adam Myrczek.

The Katowice City Singers' Ensemble, dressed in medieval habits, will begin the concert with a procession, establishing the right mood of this exceptional event. The broadcast from the concert will be provided by Radio eM 107.6 FM. Admission free!

SEE: FB Event.