
Warsaw | Singer's Warsaw 16th Jewish Culture Festival

Warszawa Singera

One of the most vital and dynamic cultural events of the Polish capital – the 16th Singer's Warsaw Jewish Culture Festival – will be held between 24 August and 1 September 2019.

Enthusiasts of theater, jazz, musicals, cabaret revues, literature, visual arts, Polish and Jewish culture will find many interesting offers.

The festival will be inaugurated with a premiere concert of cantors at the Nożyk Synagogue. A spectacle Polish tango Show – Good Old Days, prepared by Sawars Tango Orquest and featuring Anna Dereszowska and Andrzej Seweryn, will be a proposition for tango lovers. The native folk traditions will be presented by the Broda Band and the Sejny Theatre Klezmer Orchestra. The latter ensemble will perform during the Klezmer Night, along with Frank London, trumpeter and composer  one of the most important American klezmer musicians. Once again, the guests of the festival will be the excellent Jazz Band Młynarski  Masecki, who will present popular works from the 1920s by Henryk Wars, Jerzy Petersburski and brothers Artur and Henryk Gold. Clarinetist and composer Paweł Szamburski will perform his own arrangements of Hassidic songs and niguns. One of the leading Polish jazz pianists, Kuba Stankiewicz, will present music composed by Roman Statkowski, a Polish composer from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

On the last day of the festival at the Nożyk Synagogue, Polish String Quartet Berlin and pianist Ewa Tomaszewska will present works by Polish composers of Jewish origin who lived abroad: Ignacy Waghalter, Karol Rathaus and Szymon Laks. Waghalter's and Rathaus' string quartets are included on the latest album recorded by the Polish String Quartet Berlin, which will soon be released in the "Poland Abroad" series in Berlin. The finale of this year's Singer Festival will be a traditional outdoor performance at Grzybowski Square. This time, legendary violinist Nigel Kennedy will perform a concert inspired by The Magician of Lublin written by Isaak B. Singer and Georg Gershwin;s compositions.

Full programme available at and FB: