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Rzeszów | Musical Horn of Plenty


Krzysztof Penderecki's Horn Concerto 'Winterreise' will be performd on 29 November 2010 at 7 p.m. in the Artur Malawski Philharmonic in Rzeszów.

French horn's noble, soft timbre was already appreciated by the Viennese classics, and in the nineteenth century the French horn was inseparably associated with the romantic atmosphere. Echoes of past eras will be heard in the one-part Concerto for French horn "Winterraise" ("Winter journey", 2008) by Krzysztof Penderecki. The solo part will be performed by Jacek Muzyk. The atmospheric fragments of this work are intertwined with the "grotesque note", and at times the composition may even bring to mind associations with film music.

In the second part of the evening we will listen to the E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial: Adventure on Earth and the Symphony "Star Wars" by John Williams – one of the most famous and titled American film music composers awarded with numerous "Oscar" statuettes. The Subcarpathian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra will perform under the baton of the American trombone player and conductor Stefan Sanders, a graduate of the Juilliard School, University of Texas at Austin and Interlochen Arts Academy.

More information at: http://www.filharmonia.rzeszow.pl/aktualnosci-link/aktualnosci/art,697,ab-29-listopada-2019r-piatek-godz-1900.html