
We know the winners of the 3rd Krzysztof Penderecki International Competition for Young Composers

Konkurs Pendereckiego

The session of the Jury of the Competition, composed of: Marcel Chyrzyński (chairman), Zbigniew Bargielski, Ivan Buffa (Slovakia), Iwona Glinka (Poland / Greece) and Wojciech Widłak, was held in Krakow. The Secretary of the Competition was Aleksandra Patalas.

Nineteen scores from countries such as Austria, Armenia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Japan, France, South Korea, Poland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, USA were sent to the competition, one of which was rejected due to non-compliance with the regulations.

The Jury, after familiarizing themselves with 18 scores, decided to award the Main Prize of USD 1,000 (gross) to the work streams ... contacts (emblem: 1221). In addition, the Jury decided to award three honorary distinctions for the works Dialoge (emblem: BOBBA1), Éclat dans le brouillard (emblem: FONT) and Metanoia (emblem: PHOENIX).

After opening the envelopes, it turned out that the winner of the Main Award is Otto Wanke from Austria. Among the other awarded composers are Orhan Veli Özbayrak from Turkey (emblem: BOBBA1), Tetsuya Yamamoto representing Japan and France (emblem: FONT) and Wojciech Chałupka from Poland (emblem: PHOENIX).

The official reading of the minutes and the first performance of the Grand Prize winner's composition will take place on 22 April 2020 during the 32nd International Festival of Kraków Composers.

Congratulations to all the winners!