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Support for the Culture Sector

MKiDNSolutions prepared by the government to compensate for losses related to suspension of activities in the cultural sector include state support for creators and artists, as well as companies and non-governmental organizations dealing with culture, who cannot continued their activity during the period of the epidemic, an increase in welfare funds for artists and additional support for the development of new forms of sharing culture online.

1) Anti-crisis Shield:
a) for individuals: https://www.gov.pl/web/tarczaantykryzysowa/umowa-cywilnoprawna 
b) for companies, non-governmental organisations and sole traders: https://www.gov.pl/web/tarczaantykryzysowa

2) "Culture Online” programme: https://www.gov.pl/web/kultura/kultura-w-sieci--rusza-program-mkidn-finansowania-zmian-formy-upowszechniania-dzialalnosci-tworczej 

3) Increase of welfare funds: https://www.gov.pl/web/kultura/pomoc-socjalna-dla-tworcow-i-artystow 

4) Increase in funds (by PLN 55 million, to PLN 390 million) and changes in the regulations of the Minister's Programmes: https://www.gov.pl/web/kultura/zmiany-w-zakresie-zasad-realizowania-projektow-wprogramach-mkidn-2020 

5) Increase of the Minister's scholarships funds from PLN 1.5 to – at least – PLN 6.5 million: https://www.gov.pl/web/kultura/stypendia 

6) National Cetre for Culture "Culture-Interventions" programme with a budget of PLN 10 million: https://www.nck.pl/dotacje-istypendia/dotacje/programy-dotacyjne-nck/kultura-interwencje 

7) Loan guarantees for the creative sector in BGK Bank for PLN 500 million: https://www.bgk.pl/przedsiebiorstwa/poreczenia-i-gwarancje/gwarancja-kreatywnaeuropa/ 

8) Special support for the film industry in the 1st and 3rd Anti-Crisis Shield: https://www.gov.pl/web/kultura/szczegolne-regulacje-dla-kultury 

9) Request to the EU for a zero VAT rate on printed books: https://www.gov.pl/web/kultura/polska-wystapi-do-komisji-europejskiej-o-obnizeniestawki-vat-na-ksiazki 

10) Further work on the Law on the Powers of Professional Artists and the Support Fund for Professional Artists.

11) Works on the premises of the Compensation Programme for the period after the epidemic with a planned budget of PLN 50 million.

12) Budget amendment to compensate cultural institutions run and co-run by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage for losses related to restrictions on their activities.

13) Introduction of vouchers for which the obligations of cultural institutions that cannot be met at present can be exchanged, e.g. unused tickets for cultural events.

14) Allowing directors of cultural institutions to pay additional remuneration to artists for 'substitute' work carried out outside the institution's premises:https://www.gov.pl/web/kultura/dodatkowe-wynagrodzenie-w-sytuacji-zawieszeniadzialalnosci-instytucji-kultury 

In addition, the Minister of Culture in March issued an appeal to private radio and television broadcasters to increase the presence of works by Polish artists, and a few days ago appealed to local government officials for specific help towards institutions and artists within the competence of local authorities, including reduced rents of municipal premises and meintenance of their unchanged financing: https://www.gov.pl/web/kultura/apelministra-kultury-do-marszalkow-wojewodztw-prezydentow-miast-burmistrzow-starostow-i-wojtow