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Katowice | 9th International Days of Henryk Mikołaj Górecki

FSThe 9th International Days of Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, dedicated to an outstanding visionary, mystic and one of the leading 20th-century composers, will take place on 11 November – 4 December 2021 at the Silesian Philharmonic in Katowice under the theme "Genesis". This year's festival is under the honorary patronage of Prof. Piotr Gliński, Vice-President of the Council of Ministers, Minister of Culture and National Heritage.

The title "Genesis" will be reflected in the search for the sources of rebirth after a difficult period, including the previous online edition of the festival, the renewal of direct interpersonal contacts, and in the presentation of the Patron's music as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for future generations. We will hear, among others, compositions by Henryk Mikołaj Górecki's son, Mikołaj Piotr Górecki, and the soloist in one of the concerts will be his daughter – Anna Górecka. The concerts will also be conducted by her son, Jan Stańczyk.

A separate path will include works from Slavic national schools, as well as their successors, which will allow the audience to follow the development of the streams from their sources. The programme will also feature pieces by Wojciech Kilar, Bolesław Szabelski, Eugeniusz Knapik and Adam Wesołowski. In addition, we will witness the premiere of Paweł Łukaszewski's Double Concerto for violin, viola and string orchestra - the piece was created as part of the "Composing Commissions" programme carried out by the National Institute of Music and Dance.

Among the performers will be artists such as Anna Górecka, Christian Schumann, Łukasz Długosz, Agata Kielar-Długosz, Bartłomiej Duś, Yaroslav Shemet, Mirosław Jacek Błaszczyk, Piotr Pławner, Maciej Tomasiewicz as well as ensembles of the Silesian Philharmonic: Symphony Orchestra, Choir and Chamber Orchestra.

Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund as part of the "Music" program, implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance. The concerts will be organized under the patronage of PWM Edition as part of the project promoting the performance of Polish music.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Ticket Information: 


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