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Professor Hieronim Feicht Awards for 2018 granted!

On 20th February 2019, the Jury of the Professor Hieronim Feicht Competition, composed of: dr hab. Paweł Gancarczyk, prof. IS PAN (chairman), dr hab. Katarzyna Dadak-Kozicka, prof. FCUM, prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Skowron, prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Woźna-Stankiewicz, prof. dr hab. Remigiusz Pośpiech, dr hab. Agnieszka Leszczyńska, and dr Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska, gathered in Warsaw.

The jury of the competition unanimously decided to award the Professor Hieronim Feicht Award ex aequo to the following authors:

1) Wojciech Karasiński (Institute of Musicology, Jagiellonian University) for the work Poglądy estetyczno-artystyczne Beli Bartóka [Aesthetic and artistic views of Bela Bartók].

2) Michał Klubiński (Institute of Musicology, University of Warsaw) for the book entitled Bohdan Wodiczko. Dyrygent wobec nowoczesnej kultury muzycznej, Kraków 2017 [Bohdan Wodiczko. Conductor towards modern music culture, Kraków 2017].

Additionally, the Jury of the Competition decided to distinguish Mr. Kwen-Yin Li for the work entitled Polonez po Chopinie. Utwory fortepianowe kompozytorów polskich z lat 1850–1918 [Polonaise after Chopin. Piano compositions of Polish composers from 1850-1918].

Congratulations all the winners!