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Third edition of the Elbląg Music Masterclass!

Event date: 2024-05-31

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

ElblagMusic 24The largest music workshop in northern Poland will be held for the 3rd time between July 5-12, 2024 in Elblag. Elblag Chamber Orchestra will organize the event for young musicians, who will study with world-class pedagogues and take part in concerts. Master classes will be conducted in four specialties: violin, viola, cello and guitar. The deadline for submitting applications is the 31st of May.

The violin class will be conducted by Mariusz Patyra and Karolina Nowotczyńska. Marek Czech will work with viola players. Marcel Markowski will pass on the secrets of playing the cello. Guitarists, on the other hand, will have the opportunity to work with Krzysztof Meisinger. Radosław Kurek will accompany the students during lessons and recitals.

Participants will also have the opportunity to attend: jazz workshops led by Dawid Lubowicz and Christian Danowicz; chamber music workshops (Marek Czech and Marcel Markowski), “FizjoMusic” physiotherapy workshops (Marta Rusiniak) and artist branding workshops (Anna Proszowska-Sala).

Application form: https://elblagmasterclass.pl/pl/9-zglos-sie 

Details: www.elblagmasterclass.pl 

Social media: https://www.facebook.com/elblagmusicmasterclass


Ticket booking: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Tickets online available on the website: https://eok.vectorsoft.pl/MSI/mvc/pl 


Read more: Third edition of the Elbląg Music Masterclass!

Opole | Does Elsner speak French?

Event date: 2024-05-31

FO 31 5 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

As part of the "FO Kameralnie" series, the Elsner Ensemble - virtuosos of the Opole Philharmonic - will perform on the 31st of May, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. works of its patron. Bassoonist Paweł Knebel will perform as a soloist.

This is a concert for those music lovers who are looking for an intimate atmosphere and exquisite repertoire: sensual, emotional romantic music will be presented.

We will hear refined works by Polish and French composers: String Quartets Nos 2 and 3 by Józef Elsner and Bassoon Quartet No. 1 in C major, Op. 73 by François Devienne. The concert will close with a performance of Divertissement by Jean Françaix.

Dodatkowe informacje: https://filharmonia.opole.pl/wydarzenia/czy-elsner-mowil-po-francusku/ 

Gniew | "Conductor-resident": Jakub Zwierz

Event date: 2024-05-31

DyrygentRezydent 31 5 24Zwierz in Gniew: as part of the "Conductor-in-residence" programme, the Polish Chamber Philharmonic Sopot will be conducted by Jakub Zwierz in the Church of St. Saint Nicholas in Gniew on the 31st of May, 2024 at 7 p.m. Free entrance!

Maestro is a graduate of three fields of study at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music: Symphony and Opera Conducting in the class of Prof. Tomasz Bugaj, Conducting Music Ensembles in the class of Prof. Sławek A. Wróblewski and Choral Conducting (diploma with distinction) in the class of Prof. Ryszard Zimak. He also completed postgraduate studies in Music Management. The violinist Karolina Nowotczyńska, director of the Elbląg Chamber Orchestra, will perform as a soloist.

The artists will perform Concertino by Mieczysław Weinberg for violin and string orchestra, Sinfonietta by Paweł Łukaszewski and works by E. Elgar and W.A. Mozart.

Additional information: https://ww.pfksopot.pl/wydarzenia/koncert-dyrygent-rezydent,119 

Read more: Gniew | "Conductor-resident": Jakub Zwierz

Laureaci of Composition Competition "Duet for viola and another instrument or viola and tape/computer"

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC


13 compositions were submitted to the   organized by the Academy of Music in Gdańsk. During the meeting on the 28th of May, the jury selected three winners.

The first prize - in the amount of PLN 1,500 (gross) - went to Teofil Kowalewski for the work entitled Variations (emblem: UWV404).

The second prize ex aequo – Mateusz Spyrka for the work entitled There was once a dance (emblem: ABC123ABC) and Szymon Wieczorek for the work titled Ere my gaze with truth was sear'd (emblem: SD2W4).

The third prize was awarded to Karol Zamorski for the work entitled Glikopikros (emblem: a254X)

Additionally, a distinction was awarded to Tomasz Podubiński for the work entitled Rondo (emblem: Lydum24)

Additional information: https://www.amuz.gda.pl/aktualnosci

Read more: Laureaci of Composition Competition "Duet for viola and another instrument or viola and...

43rd International Festival of Orthodox Church Music "Hajnówka"

Event date: 2024-05-29

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

FestiwalHajnowka 24For the 43rd time, choirs from around the world will perform in Poland at the largest festival of Orthodox Church music - the International Festival of Orthodox Church Music "Hajnówka", which will take place from the 29th of May to the 2nd of June, 2024 in Białystok.

This year's edition is dedicated to the memory of Romuald Twardowski, the Chairman of the Festival Jury. The honorary patronage of the Festival is held by the Polish Composers' Union.

Festival website: www.festiwal-hajnowka.pl 

Read more: 43rd International Festival of Orthodox Church Music "Hajnówka"

Rzeszów | Intergenerational Music Academy in Rzeszów

Event date: 2024-05-29

Miedzypokoleniowa 29 5 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The Association of Polish Chamber Musicians invites you to artistic and educational meetings of the Intergenerational Music Academy in Rzeszów, which will run from the 29th of May to the end of 2024. The programme includes both classical chamber concerts and moments of flirtation with a lighter muse, as well as meetings with artists and artistic workshops. Admission to the events is free!

The Intergenerational Music Academy is aimed at all Rzeszów residents, regardless of age. The concerts will take place at the Dominican Monastery in Rzeszów, Karol Szymanowski Music School Complex No. 1 and the OIIB PDK Integration Art Gallery.

During the “Opera and Operetta” concert on the 29th of May at 6 p.m. at the Karol Szymanowski Music School Complex, Jacek Ozimkowski (bass) and Marta Mołodyńska-Wheeler (piano) will present opera works in a light, humorous manner and encourage the audience to have fun together.

Detailed programme: https://spmk.com.pl/ 

Read more: Rzeszów | Intergenerational Music Academy in Rzeszów

Katowice | Birthday gala of Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa

Event date: 2024-05-28

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

GalaWnuk 28 5 24On the 28th of May 2024, the Silesian Philharmonic will host a birthday gala for Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa with the participation of the birthday celebrant - an outstanding composer, pedagogue, conductor and politician, director of cultural institutions, minister of culture and art in 1997-1999.

At 4.30 p.m. in the Chamber Hall, a screening of the film Under Pressure of Sound and Word is scheduled, followed (5.30 p.m.) by a meeting with Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa and the premiere of a CD of the composer’s works. At 19.00, a concert by the Silesian Chamber Orchestra will take place in the Karol Stryja Concert Hall, with a programme prepared by the composer. 

More: https://filharmonia-slaska.eu/production/joanna-wnuk-nazarowa-gala-urodzinowa-gajecka-antosiewicz-shemet/?=2 

Read more: Katowice | Birthday gala of Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa

5th edition of the International Festival of Organ and Chamber Music in Sanok district!

Event date: 2024-05-24

FestiwalSanok 24Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The 5th edition of the International Festival of Organ and Chamber Music, with participation of outstanding artists from Poland and abroad, will take place in the Sanok district on 24-27 May 2024. The Festival will also discover new talents through the 4th National Competition for Young Organists. Admission to the concerts is free.

This year's edition of the Festival will be inaugurated in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Sanok with a concert by Anna Maria Jopek, who will be accompanied by: Piotr Wojtasik (trumpet), Igor Pietraszewski (shakuhachi) and Piotr Rojek (organ). On the 25th of May at the Sanok Franciscan Church, we will hear organist Elżbieta Karolak together with soprano Katarzyna Hołysz.

Festival website: https://www.facebook.com/FestiwalOrganowySanok 

Read more: 5th edition of the International Festival of Organ and Chamber Music in Sanok district!

Review Competition of the Silesian Philharmonic

Event date: 2024-05-24

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

KonkursRecenzencki 24Henryk Mikołaj Górecki Silesian Philharmonic and the Polish Music Publishing House invite students of first- and second-cycle studies in Musicology, Composition and Music Theory to participate in a review competition. Its subject is to create a review dedicated to Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa's birthday gala. The deadline for submitting applications is the 24th of May, 2024.

The aim of the competition is:

  • promotion and support of students' activities in the field of music criticism, with particular emphasis on works devoted to the performance of works by Polish composers working in the 20th and 21st century;
  • developing the interest of students of Musicology, Composition and Music Theory in music criticism, in particular in the field of performing Polish music of the 20th and 21st

Rules and regulations available on the website: https://filharmonia-slaska.eu/konkurs-recenzencki/ 

Read more: Review Competition of the Silesian Philharmonic