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Lublin | "Time is Love": a tribute to the Primate of the Millennium in the year of beatification


The Henryk Wieniawski Philharmonic in Lublin invites you on 11 September 2020 at 7.00 p.m. to a symphonic concert in the "Time is Love: a tribute to the Primate of the Millennium in the year of beatification" series. The concert will feature Krzysztof Jakowicz, this year's winner of the Golden Fryderyk Award in the classical music category.

On 3 October 2019, Pope Francis approved a decree that opens the way to the beatification of the Primate of the Millennium. The ceremony was to take place in June this year, but due to the threat of the epidemic, the event was postponed to an unspecified date, so that many of the faithful from all over the world could join the celebration on the spot. The common experience of the Primate's beatification is currently continued in the spiritual dimension, through the art of music.

The September concert at the Lublin Philharmonic will begin with the Etude in B flat minor, Op. 4 No. 3 by Karol Szymanowski, arranged for symphony orchestra by Grzegorz Fitelberg. It is a piece from a collection of etudes written between 1900 and 1902, dedicated to the composer's cousin and pianist Natalia Neuhaus, one of Grzegorz Fitelberg's muses. The work shows clear influence of Fryderyk Chopin's style. Performed by the Lublin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Marek Pijarowski, we will also hear Joseph Haydn's Symphony in D major No. 104 and W. A. ​​Mozart's Violin Concerto No. 5 in A Major KV 219 – the most frequently performed and recorded composition of this genre in the repertoire of Krzysztof Jakowicz.

Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage as part of the "Music" programme operated by the Institute of Music and Dance.

More information at: https://filharmonialubelska.pl/pl,0,s257,d839,czas_to_milosc_koncert_symfoniczny_k_jakowicz__m_pijarowski.html 

Poznań | 'Contemporary chamber miniature in the times of pandemic. First performances': Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska

FabianskaA presentation of new work by Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska in the series “Contemporary chamber miniature in the times of pandemic. First performances” will take place on 10 September 2020 at 12.00 p.m. on the Academy of Music in Poznań's websiteFacebook profile and YouTube channel.

As Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska points out, 'A Piece Do A.S. [To G.A.] for viola and harpsichord, or Do Anioła Stróża [To the Guardian Angel], is a musical reflection on the presence of the Guardian Angel in our lives. In particular phases of the miniature of variable character, from motor and figurative to lyrical, calm and muted, various sounds are presented – through single notes to extended chords – sometimes referring to tonality, and sometimes in the form of clusters'. As Padre Pio said: 'The light of the sun was paler than the glow of my Guardian Angel. The whole form of this good spirit shone like lightning, because by nature and grace all heavenly spirits were God's mighty and holy angels'. The piece will be presented by outstanding professors of the Academy: violist Lech Bałaban and harpsichordist Maria Banaszkiewicz-Bryła, head of the Department of Historical Instruments.

The series “Contemporary chamber miniature in the times of pandemic. First performances ” presents premieres of works by composers associated with the Academy of Music in Poznań. On subsequent Thursdays we will hear miniatures composed by the Academy's teachers: Michał Janocha, PhD (17 September), Prof. Artur Kroschel (24 September), and Prof. Zbigniew Kozub (1 October) – the cycle will end on the International Music Day.

Link to the online premierehttps://youtu.be/gTbpfE6E388 

3rd "Mazovian Musical Meetings without Barriers" in Kałuszyn and Cegłów

MMSThe "Czas Sztuki" Foundation invites you to the next events of this year's "Mazovian Musical Meetings without Barriers". The concerts entitled "Great Polish composers" and "Nature painted with a bow" will take place on 9 September 2020 in Kałuszyn and Cegłów.

MMSBThe "Czas Sztuki" Foundation was established in November 2017 and one of its main goals is to organise free artistic events for poor people from small rural towns, who are excluded from participating in cultural life. The organization has already conducted two series of concerts "Mazovian Musical Meetings without Barriers" in 2018 and 2019. The third edition of the series will feature 8 concerts, which will take place in very small towns in the counties of Mińsk, Siedlce and Węgrów, where residents are deprived of cultural offer and access to cultural goods.

The concert "Great Polish Composers" will take place next Wednesday at 4.00 p.m. at the Cultural Centre in Kałuszyn. The Time Quartet will perform the most famous works of Polish composers: Stanisław Moniuszko, Fryderyk Chopin, Grażyna Bacewicz, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, as well as Polish folk songs arranged for string quartet.

The concert "Nature painted with a bow", dedicated to seniors, will take place on 9 September at 7.00 p.m. at the Centre for Sustainable Development and Environment Protection in Cegłów. The Time Quartet will perform pieces imitating the sounds of nature composed by Antonio Vivaldi, Claude Debussy, Camille Saint-Saens, Modest Mussorgski and Edvard Grieg.

The project is co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund. Free admission!

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information at: https://www.facebook.com/fundacjaczassztuki/ 

63rd "Warsaw Autumn" International Festival of Contemporary Music

WJThe "Warsaw Autumn" International Festival of Contemporary Music has been organised by the Polish Composers' Union since 1956. It is a festival of a non-governmental association, but it is international and organised pro publico bono. Each edition has its main theme and all elements of the event gather around it. The theme of this year's Festival, which will run from 18 to 26 September 2020, is "Music and Language".

Music is a language, but language carries its own music. In the Festival’s programme, these two elements will intertwine in various ways, touching upon issues such as: the role of words in music; words embedded in music and music embedded in words; the language of music, the music of language; common elements between music and language; the specificity of structures; the grammar of music, the architecture of text; similar functions; music and information; communication through music; means of transmission; the “speech” of music from the social perspective; art of the time of the plague: home music.

The programme of this year’s Warsaw Autumn includes concerts, performances, sound theatre, various opera formulas, intermedia, improvisations, internet and radio forms (on the 95th anniversary of the Polish Radio), meetings, composer workshops – over 50 festival events. We will listen to music by 50 composers, including 22 making their Warsaw Autumn debut, with 18 world premieres, including Warsaw Autumn commissions. Five orchestras, one choir, ten ensembles, and soloists will perform in the main Festival lineup as well as Warsaw Autumn Hits the Club, Little Warsaw Autumn, Warsaw Autumn Contexts and fringe events. 

Jerzy Kornowicz

More information at: http://www.warszawska-jesien.art.pl/ 

Chamber music in Subcarpathian manor houses

Podkarpackie“Subcarphatian Chamber Recitals” is a series of chamber concerts and workshops that will be held between 7 and 26 September 2020 in valuable cultural heritage sites. The idea behind the project is to popularize chamber music, broaden the knowledge of Polish music, support young artists, as well as promote the sights of Subcarpathia – Hupki Manor in Niwiska and Błotnicki Manor in Dzikowiec.

The proposed programme, performed by brilliant artists of the Association of Polish Chamber Musicians, refers to the tradition of manor houses of Polish nobility. The works of outstanding composers, created and performed at the landowners' residences, remind us the beautiful tradition of salon concerts. These are the origins that the project refers to. The assumption is that the repertoire should be ambitious and attractive at the same time, engaging for a multigenerational audience, and presented by the best performers.

Polish music plays an important role in the programme of the event. During the concerts we will hear works by Fryderyk Chopin, Stanisław Moniuszko, Władysław Żeleński, Mieczysław Karłowicz, Karol Szymanowski and Maciej Zimka.

Before the concert of the Zarębski Piano Duo band (19 September in the Błotnicki Manor), which will present popular piano duets for children, there will be an instrument building workshop. The instruments will then be used during the concert to create a musical illustration. The final piano recital "Seeing Music" will be combined with a lecture on synesthesia and a presentation of the author's method of music visualization. The host and performer, Marta Mołodyńska-Wheeler, is a synesthetic herself. She defended her doctoral thesis on this phenomenon at the Academy of Music in Kraków. She was also a star of the Polsat TV programme "Beautiful Brain".

The project is co-financed by the National Centre for Culture as part of the "Culture – Interventions 2020" programme. Admission to all concerts is free.

Detailed programme: https://www.facebook.com/stowarzyszeniekameralistow/ 

Gdańsk Pianists to the City

Gdańscy Pianiści Miastu

The 'Gdańsk Pianists to the City' Festival aims to present to a wider audience pianists associated with Gdańsk, mainly students of the Gdańsk piano school. This year's edition will take place on 7-13 September 2020, featuring five online concerts. The artists will perform at the Old Town Hall in Gdańsk.

We will hear lecturers, graduates and students of the Academy of Music in Gdańsk as well as students of music academies in Bydgoszcz and Kraków, Polish participants of the 18th Chopin Piano Competition and this year's graduates of Gdańsk music schools.

The inaugural concert will feature music by 20th century composers, including Preludes by Sergei Rachmaninoff and Sergei Bortkiewicz, and two famous piano cycles – Masks by Karol Szymanowski and Gaspard de la nuit by Maurice Ravel. On the second evening there will be two Chopin semi-recitals. The third concert will be performed by this year's piano graduates of the Feliks Nowowiejski Music School in Gdańsk. Saturday evening will open with the semi-recital by Maciej Gański – a recognized Gdańsk musician and lecturer of the Academy of Music in Gdańsk. We will hear works by Fryderyk Chopin, Ignacy Jan Paderewski and Karol Szymanowski. The second part of the concert will feature Furmańska & Kuchniak Piano Duo based in Gdańsk, who will present works by Juliusz Zarębski, Karol Mikuli and Leopold Godowski. The festival will end with a recital by Piotr Słopecki – an outstanding Polish pianist and lecturer of the Academy of Music in Gdańsk.

Free live streaming will be available on Facebook pages of the Gdańsk Pianists of the City Festival and Virtuoso Culture and Art Foundation.

JOIN: Facebook Event

NeoQuartet – NeoCollection


"NeoCollection" is a project aimed at creating an audio-video collection of the most outstanding Polish contemporary string quartets, which will be made available online for free between 27 August and 24 September 2020.

The originator of the project is NeoQuartet, a string quartet specializing in the performance of contemporary music, which will produce and make available online three works written by outstanding Polish artists. The visual artists Andrzej Mańkowski, Piotr Wyrzykowski and Filip Ignatowicz were invited to participate in the project. Each quartet will be a separate audio-visual work that will promote Polish cultural heritage in a comprehensible and attractive way. We will hear and see new interpretations of Henryk Mikołaj Górecki's 'Already It Is Dusk' String Quartet, Witold Lutosławski's String Quartet and Krzysztof Penderecki's String Quartet No. 2.

It is planned that the collection will be regularly expanded with new works, so that in the end it will be released on a durable medium as an audiovisual collector's edition.

Co-financed by the National Centre for Culture as part of the "Culture on the Web" programme.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Streaming online at: https://kulturanawynos.pl/ 

Dąbrowa Górnicza | "Dąbrowa Resident in Paris" – concert inaugurating the artistic season of the Zagłębie Palace of Culture


Polish Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra will perform on 6 September 2020 at 5.00 p.m. at the Freedom Square in front of the Zagłębie Palace of Culture in Dąbrowa Górnicza, inaugurating the new artistic season of the instituion. The concert entitled "Dąbrowa Resident in Paris" will present profiles of Polish composers who created in exile, in Paris.

14 September marks the 106th birth anniversary of Michał Spisak – an outstanding artist from Dąbrowa Górnicza, appreciated and awarded in international composers' competitions, who, as a result of a combination of circumstances, spent over half of his life in France, mainly in Paris. The Jerzy Semkow Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra under the baton of maestro Marek Wroniszewski and the soloists Piotr Sałajczyk (piano) and Antoni Dąbrowski (bassoon) will present one of Michał Spisak's works in the excellent company of works by two other "Polish Parisians": Fryderyk Chopin and Wojciech Kilar.

Written in 1944 in the French Vouroin, Michał Spisak's Concerto for bassoon and orchestra is a work that the French audience liked the most in the post-war years. Published in 1833, already during Chopin's stay in Paris, Fantasie sur des Airs Nationaux Polonais, Op. 13 is a delicious mix of motifs derived from Polish traditional music. During the September concert we will also hear vigorous pieces by Wojciech Kilar from the films Pan Tadeusz, The Promised Land and The Leper.

The intriguing stories and relations of Polish artists with the French music world, the elite and everyday life will be presented in the accompanying exhibition Chopin, Spisak, Górecki, Kilar. Paris brawls, which will be available in the "Gallery behind the glass" from 6 September to 16 October 2020.

More information at: http://palac.art.pl/pl/wydarzenie/dabrowianin-w-paryzu-sinfonia-iuventus 

Warsaw | Concert announcing the "Warsaw Autumn" Festival


The "Harmonies and Noises" Foundation invites you on 6 September 2020 at 7.00 p.m. to the TR Warszawa theatre (8 Marszałkowska St.) for the "sci-fi retro" concert announcing this year's "Warsaw Autumn" International Festival of Contemporary Music. The concert is devoted to fantasies about other planets made over a hundred years ago.

Such famous instrumentalists and composers as Anna Kwiatkowska (violin), Mikołaj Pałosz (cello), Adam Kośmieja (piano), Wojciech Błażejczyk (guitar), Sławomir Wojciechowski and Rafał Zapała (electronics) will perform II Trio in einem Satz by Mauricio Kagel, Trauben by Enna Poppe, as well as the latest compositions by Polish artists: Live-Foley by Kuba Krzewiński and Aleksandra Chciuk, and Hommage à Georges Méliès by Wojciech Błażejczyk, Sławomir Wojciechowski and Rafał Zapała.

Live-Foley for a group of young amateurs and video refers to the art of "foley" (recording sound effects for films at the post-production stage), processing it in a non-obvious way. Young performers will provide sound for a film created by audiovisual artist Aleksandra Chciuk. The piece contains completely composed and improvised fragments. The film refers to the visions of future space travel that can be found in films made at the beginning of the 20th century.

The collective composition Hommage à Georges Méliès for violin, cello, electric guitar, electronic media and film screening was created as part of the "Composing Commissions" programme operated by the Institute of Music and Dance. The musical tribute to Méliès, made by three composers, will use three of his short films about outer space and interplanetary travel.

The concert will be repeated on 22 October 2020 in the Concert Hall of the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz.

More information at: https://harmonieihalasy.com/2020/07/28/works-by-kagel-poppe-and-sci-fi-retro-project/