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Alexander Kalischewski – międzynarodowe sukcesy wokalne 14-latka

Kalischewski AlexanderAlexander Kalischewski zdobył 1. miejsce w Międzynarodowym Konkursie Muzycznym „Grand Prize Virtuoso” w Londynie (luty 2020) i otrzymał zaproszenie do udziału w koncercie laureatów w Elgar Room Royal Albert Hall we wrześniu br.

W prezentowanym programie znalazły się Minnelied Franza Schuberta, Funiculi funicula Luigiego Denzy oraz znany utwór Puttin on the Ritz Irvinga Berlina. Alexander został także zakwalifikowany do udziału w VII Międzynarodowym Konkursie Muzycznym „Melos” w Rzymie w maju. Z uwagi na pandemię koronawirusa uczestników zobligowano do przesłania nagrań video ze swoimi interpretacjami. Alexander nagrał ponownie wymienione wcześniej utwory oraz pieśń Johannesa Brahmsa Erlaube mir feins Mädchen, jak również romans Michaiła Jakowlewa Zimnij wieczier i otrzymał 1. miejsce w swojej grupie wiekowej. Na podobnych warunkach możliwy okazał się udział w IV Quebec Classical Music Competition w Kanadzie, gdzie pomimo braku podziału na kategorie, pośród 200 uczestników z całego świata, Alexandrowi przyznano wyróżnienie, po czterech znakomitych pianistach z Kanady, Chin i USA. Młody wokalista przedstawił tu do oceny m.in. arię starowłoską Giacoma Carissimiego Vittoria, vittoria. Czerwcowe sukcesy natomiast, to 1. miejsce w Międzynarodowym Konkursie Muzycznym „Muse” w Atenach oraz 2. miejsce w Międzynarodowym Konkursie Muzycznym w Belgradzie, o których zadecydowały dodatkowo interpretacje pieśni Antonína Dvořáka Kdyz mne stara matka z cyklu Pieśni cygańskich op. 55, a także Chochlika Stanisława Moniuszki.

Alexander Kalischewski jest uczniem dr hab. Sylwii Burnickiej-Kalischewskiej, prof. Akademii Sztuki w Szczecinie. Przy fortepianie podczas zmagań konkursowych towarzyszy mu zawsze mgr Romuald Kalischewski.

Pomimo młodego wieku, Alexander występował w wielu koncertach charytatywnych na rzecz dzieci z hospicjów czy dzieci uchodźców pozostających bez opiekunów w Berlinie, Düsseldorfie, Schwäbisch Hall, ale także w międzynarodowych Schubertiadach organizowanych przez Akademię Sztuki w Szczecinie.

Ponadto koncertował w roli solisty z Chórem Dziecięcym Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego i orkiestrami Uecker-Randow-Sinfoniés oraz Preußisches Kammerorchester Prenzlau pod batutą m.in. Ursa-Michaela Theusa i prof. Dariusza Dyczewskiego.

David Pituch has passed away...

Famous saxophonist, music historian and teacher David Pituch died on 22 June 2020 in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

The American saxophonist was a graduate of Baldwin Wallace University and the University of Colorado Boulder. As a Fulbright scholarship holder, he completed an internship at the Institute of Musicology at the University of Warsaw (1974). Pituch was the first performer of the third, final version of Roman Palester's Concertino for saxophone and orchestra (1978). In 1980, he founded the saxophone class at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, where he lectured until 1989. In 1998 he defended his doctoral dissertation entitled A Reception History of the Saxophone Between 1918 and 1942 at Northwestern University. He is the author of the book Saxophone from A to Z published by PWM Edition (2000). He lectured at Columbia College of Missouri Online Campus.

The saxophonist has performed at many festivals in Europe and the United States, took part in events organized by the Polish Composers' Union, including the "Warsaw Autumn" International Festival of Contemporary Music. As a soloist, he performed with such well-known orchestras as the Boston Symphony, Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra and Berlin Radio and Television Orchestra.

The artist's death brought us great sorrow. We honor his memory with gratitude.

Katowice | Concert dedicated to the memory of Krzysztof Penderecki


The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra invites you on 26 June 2020 at 7.30 p.m. to a concert dedicated to the memory of the great artist and friend of PNRSO – Krzysztof Penderecki. The concert will be streamed live on Facebook.

It will be a unique ending to a very unusual concert season. After more than three months, the audience will be able to participate in the concert not only via the Internet but also in the concert hall. The musicians will be placed on stage with the required distance and they will prerfomed chamber repertoire.

Piotr Tarcholik – first concertmaster of the PNRSO, leader of the PNRSO String Sextet, concertmaster of the Przemyśl Chamber Orchestra and leader of the Sinfonietta Cracovia ensemble – will lead the ucpoming concert. The programme will be composed of Krzysztof Penderecki's Fanfare for Independent and Chaconne for string orchestra from the Polish Requiem and Joseph Haydn's Symphony in F sharp minor "Farewell", Hob. I: 45.

JOIN: Facebook Event

Gdańsk | 63. International Organ Music Festival in the Oliva Cathedral


The 63rd International Organ Festival in the Oliwa Cathedral, organised annually by the Polish Baltic Frédéric Chopin Philharmonic, will run from 26 June to 25 August 2020.

Festival concerts in the historic Oliwa Cathedral will feature the most outstanding organ virtuosi, representing different countries and generations. Music lovers will have a chance to familiarize themselves with diverse music repertoire of different periods and styles, as well as witness world and Polish premieres of such compositions as: Chromatisches Poem by composer of Polish descent Sergei Słonimski, L’A.B.C. Musical by Gustav Kirchhoff, Blue Sunrise by Paolo Bougeat, Basque Suite by Stefan Kagel, Trinity Suite by Diego Cannizzar and But if I am laid into the tomb... by Maciej Zakrzewski. The programme will also include works by such Polish composers as Mieczysław Surzyński, Juliusz Łuciuk, Marian Sawa, and Tadeusz Paciorkiewicz. Among the guests of the festival will be Christophe Mantoux, Vincent Thevenas, Roman Perucki, Inger-Lise Ulsrud, Francesco Bongiorno, Wojciech Wojtasiewicz, Roberto Marini, Jan Bokszczanin, Andrei Bardin, Andrzej Chorosiński, Johannes Skudlik, Paulo Bougeat, Maciej Zakrzewski, Stefan Kagl, Daniel Zaretsky, Diego Cannizzaro, Józef Serafin and the Amadeus Chamber Orchestra of Polish Radio.

The Festival opening gala will take place on 26 June at 8.00 p.m. in Gdańsk Oliwa Cathedral and will be open to public. Polish Baltic Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Jacek Rogala and organists Hanna Dys and Roman Perucki will perform works by Ludwig van Beethoven, Charles-Maria Widor and Dariusz Przybylski (Concerto for Two Positives and Orchestra). The concert will be hosted by Konrad Mielnik. 

Full programme available at: https://www.filharmonia.gda.pl/pl/ 

1st Ise-Shima International Composition Competition – Japan 2020

ISIse-Shima Art Committee invites you to participate in the 1st Ise-Shima International Composition Competition. The deadline for submitting applications is 1 June 2021.

The aim of the Competition is to promote young composers. The Competition is open to all nationalities, there is no age limit and there are no restrictions regarding the instrumentation or duration of the piece. The submitted work may be already performed or awarded. Composers may submit more than one work, but they must complete a separate entry form and pay a fee for each composition.

Full score (pdf format) must be submitted via application form: https://en.iseshimaart.com/international-composition-competiti 

The head of the jury is Polish composer ​Marcin Stańczyk​. The jury will award the Grand Prize in the amount of $1,000 and 35 special prizes. Ise-Shima Art Committee reserves the right not to award the prizes, to change the regulations, or to reduce or divide the prize pool, which is generated by the entry fees.

Competition winners will be notified by email until the end of August 2021. The results of the Competition will be published on the website: https://en.iseshimaart.com/c 

Rules and regulations are available at: https://bit.ly/37SqagR 

Romuald Twardowki's Tales


Romuald Twardowski, outstanding artist and esteemed pedagogue, longtime promoter of Polish music, winner of numerous awards and distinctions, and one of the long-time collaborators of PWM Edition, on 17 June 2020 celebrates his 90th birthday. On this occasion, PWM Edition together with representatives of the world of music wish him all the best and invite music lovers to a new series devoted to the composer.

Romuald Twardowski is one of the most important composers of his generation. By juxtaposing medieval traditions with the achievements of 20th-century music, he consistently creates original works, which are always accessible not only to the audience but also to performers who emphasize their artistic value. PWM Edition invited representatives of musical life to prepare a surprise for his anniversary. Video wishes to Romuald Twardowski were made by over 30 artists and close friends of the composer, including Ewa Bogusz-Moore, Tomasz Konieczny, Jan Łukaszewski, Agnieszka Duczmal, Łukasz Borowicz, Jurek Dybał, Jerzy Salwarowski and Alicja Twardowska. The materials are available on the PWM YouTube channel.

The online premiere of a new series Romuald Twardowski's Tales will take place on 24 June at 10:30 a.m. The artist shares the most important moments of his artistic life in 10 stories. He talks about key meetings with outstanding teachers, composers, writers, important places and unexpected events, as well as his musical inspirations in films published every second Wednesday on the PWM YouTube channel.

Warsaw | From Bogurodzica to Górecki


The "Pro Musica Viva" Foundation invites you to concerts of the Cappella Corale Varsavian Choir conducted by Roman Rewakowicz, presenting Polish choral music of different eras and styles. Concerts with audience will take place on 23 June 2020 at 7.30 p.m. in the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit in Bielany (44 Broniewskiego St.) and on 25 June 2020 at 7.00 p.m. in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Stokłosy (101 KEN Ave.).

The concert programme includes works by Mikołaj Gomółka, Wacław of Szamotuły, Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki, Stanisław Moniuszko, as well as Stabat Mater by Feliks Nowowiejski, Hail Mary from Marian Songs, Op. 54 Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, Thanksgiving Mass by Juliusz Łuciuk and Lacrimosa by Bartosz Kowalski.

The Capella Corale Varsaviana choir, which was founded in 2007, brings together professional vocalists and musicians. The ensemble has participated in recordings of film music by Jan A.P. Kaczmarek, Stanisław Syrewicz, Michał Lorenc, Abel Korzeniowski, Bartłomiej Gliniak. Together with the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, the choir took part in a concert for the artistic finale of the beatification celebrations of John Paul II in Rome. The ensemble has also participated in various festivals, performing Polish and Ukrainian sacred music.

Admission to the concerts organised with the support of the Capital City of Warsaw is free.

JOIN: Facebook Events on 23 June  and 25 June.

Warsaw | Concert on the 100th birth anniversary of Pope John Paul II


Amadeus Chamber Orchestra of Polish Radio will perform on 23 June 2020 at 7.00 p.m. at the Palladium Theatre in Warsaw on the occasion of Father's Day and the 100th anniversary of the birth of John Paul II.

It will be the first classical music concert at the Palladium Theatre after the quarantine period. The Amadeus Chamber Orchestra of Polish Radio will be conducted by Anna Duczmal-Mróz. The soloist will be violin virtuoso Jarosław Żołnierczyk, concertmaster of the Orchestra and leader of the "Wieniawski" string quartet. The programme will include Divertimento KV 138 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Etude in B flat minor by Karol Szymanowski, Concerto notturno for violin and orchestra by Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, two Preludes by Fryderyk Chopin in arrangement for string orchestra, Songs by Ignacy Jan Paderewski and two Walzes and Orawa by Wojciech Kilar.

All event participants are required to complete a statement in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, which will be sent by e-mail after downloading a free admission ticket at: https://palladium.pl/en/events/koncert-z-okazji-100-rocznicy-urodzin-papieza-jana-pawla-ii/.

The concert will be streamed online on the website of the Universistatis Varsoviensis Foundation, TVP3 Warsaw, NCK.pl, and Niepodlegla.gov.pl.

Ewa Szczecińska invites!


The last episodes of the "Nocturne" and "New Poland" programmes hosted by Ewa Szczecińska will take place on 22 and 23 June 2020 on Polish Radio Channel 2 (Dwójka), featuring works by Mateusz Ryczek and Paweł Hendrich.

This season of the "Nocturne" programme will end on 22 June at 11.15 p.m. We will listen to wonderful music that interacts with space: both the natural one and the one created with electronics. The programme will present works by Mateusz Ryczek, Karin Rehnqvist, Matthew Whiteside and Wolfgang Rihm.

The "New Poland" programme aims at popularizing Polish music by presenting recordings and facts about selected composition accompanied by statements of composers. It is an attempt to select masterpieces of Polish modern music and introduce them to the listeners. The upcoming programme on 23 June 22:20 p.m. will be devoted to Paweł Hendrich. Having a family of scientist, the composer was encouraged to study sound and its elaborate and complex constructions. The result of this attitude are works of dynamic nature. We will listen to Hendrich's Ertytre for eight cellos, Pteropetros for wind quintet, accordion and string quartet, and Alopopulo for chamber orchestra, violin and computer.

Both programes will be available on Dwójka's website: https://www.polskieradio.pl/8/740 and https://www.polskieradio.pl/8,Dwojka/8315,Nowa -Poland