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Katowice | "Fryderyk" Awards 2019 in the Classical Music Categories


This year's Classical Music Gala and the presentation of "Fryderyk" Awards were held in the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra Concert Hall in Katowice on March 12, 2019.

Most of the statuettes – in the categories of "Choral Music, Oratorio and Opera Music", "Early Music" and "Contemporary Music" – were awarded to musicians associated with the Witold Lutosławski National Forum of Music in Wrocław. In the Year of Stanisław Moniuszko, the album Stanisław Moniuszko. Phantoms performed by the NFM Choir and the Wrocław Baroque Orchestra under the direction of Andrzej Kosendiak, received a "Fryderyk" award in the first category. Best album in the "Early Music" cateogry is Marcin Mielczewski II Wrocław Baroque Ensemble under Andrzej Kosendiak. In the "Contemporary Music" category the winner is the Supernova album by Atom String Quartet, NFM Orchestra Leopoldinum and Christian Danowicz, featuring works by Hanna Kulenty-Majoor, Mateusz Smoczyński, Dawid Lubowicz, Michał Zaborski, and Krzysztof Lenczowski.

The award for the best album with solo recital went to Janusz Wawrowski and Jose Gallarda for Hidden Violin, presenting works of Henryk Wieniawski, Grażyna Bacewicz, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Ludomir Różycki, Mieczysław Karłowicz, Witold Lutosławski and Karol Szymanowski. "Fryderyk" in the "Chamber Music" category was awarded to the album Giovanni Battista Pergolesi "Stabat Mater" / Paweł Łukaszewski "Luctus Mariae", released by the Chopin University Press. In the category of "Symphony and concert music", the award went to Błażewicz, Łukaszewski and Czarnecki. Polish Contemporary Concertos, released by DUX. The Silesian Quartet received the statuette for the most outstanding recording of Polish music – The Silesian Quartet and friends. Grażyna Bacewicz.

In addition to the statuettes in the eight main categories, two "Golden Fryderyk" Awards were given for lifetime achievement to conductor Jacek Kaspszyk and jazz vocalist, composer and poet Wanda Warska.

A complete list of the winners is available at: http://fryderykfestiwal.pl/zwyciezcy-fryderyk-2019/

Bydgoszcz | 25 Hours of Art for the 25th Anniversary of the "Mózg" Club


For its 25th anniversary, "Mózg" club in Bydgoszcz will offer 25 hours of art: performances, concerts, exhibitions and film screenings. The series of events will start at March 29, 2019 at 11.59 p.m.

A quarter of a century is a lot of time and a lot of events. Throughout these years, the "Mózg" club has hosted a huge number of artists from around the world. There were both great stars and creators taking their first steps. Music, visual arts, film, theater, performance art, installations – all these fields of art were present and are still in the "Mózg" club, making it recognizable in the world of contemporary art in many parts of the world.

A large group of artists, both Polish and foreign, who have built the identity of the place over the years, has announced their participation in the event. Among them are composers Marek Chołoniewski, Anna Jędrzejewska and Teonika Rożynek. The full list of performers includes more than 70 people.

Within 25 hours of entertainemnt, concerts will take place on the main stage, in the recording studio, film studio (solo concertos) and the cinema "Pomorzanin", which has been closed for 15 years. The events will be broadcast live on several online platforms.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information at: https://www.facebook.com/clubmozg/ 

1st Festival Brodnica ClassiX


The last weekend of March in Brodnica will definitely be a music weekend. The first edition of the brand new Brodnica ClassiX festival will take place on March 28-31, 2019. Four festival days will be filled with diverse repertoire presented by the renown classical and jazz music artists.

Brodnica ClassiX is a pioneering artistic event that will significantly enrich the cultural offer of the city. An innovative festival in which the world of classical music combines with jazz and improvisation is the first and only such venture in the region. On the initiative of Maja and Mat Kwiatkowski, Brodnica becomes a place where the best Polish musicians of various specialties meet to present their artistic exploration. The invitation to participate in the festival has been already accepted by: Anna Maria Staśkiewicz and soloists of the Sinfonia Varsovia orchestra, Toruń Symphony Orchestra, Koszalin Philharmonic, SawarS Tango Orquestra and jazzmen – Mateusz Smoczyński, Krzysztof Szmańda, Maciej Szczyciński and Marek Kądziela.

The programme of this year's festival includes chamber and symphonic works, combined with an audiovisual and electronic performance with the participation of the choir, cello and violin, an evening with tango of Polish and Argentinian composers of the interwar period, as well as premieres of new classical works with elements of jazz and improvisation. We will listen to, among others, the Mass by Józef Świder and Stanisław Moniuszko's Songs, selected and arranged by Mat Kwiatkowski. The finale of the festival will take place at the Brodnica Community Center. The Brodnica Symphony Orchestra will premiere the Symphony of Shadows by Mat Kwiatkowski.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

SEE: Official Festival Website.

Kraków | Concert closing the celebrations of the 130th anniversary of the Music Academy

AM Krakow

With a concert on March 16, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the Siemiradzki Hall in Kraków Cloth Hall, the Academy of Musica in Kraków will close the celebrations of its 130th anniversary.

The programme of the jubilee concert will consist of works by artists associated with the Kraków Music Academy since its inception. We will listen to compositions by Władysław Żeleński – founder of the Conservatory of the Music Society in Kraków, creators associated with the Academy of Music nowadays as well as its former rectors: Krzysztof Penderecki, Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar and Marek Stachowski. The concert will be attended by a group of university graduates and the Alumni, Teachers and Students Orchestra. The evening will be hosted by the current rector, prof. Stanisław Krawczyński. Małgorzata Janicka-Słysz will say a few words about the repertoire..

Invitations are available at the Art Promotion Office at 43 St. Tomasz Street (room 221, second floor), between 8.00 a.m.–3.00 p.m..

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information at: https://www.amuz.krakow.pl/event/koncert-wienczacy-jubileusz-130-lecia-akademii-muzycznej-w-krakowie/ 

Łącko | Start your summer with classical music!

Porta musicae

The Porta Musicae Artistic Association is pleased to once again invite pupils, students and graduates of music schools and universities to the Małopolska Academy of Talents. The fifth edition of music courses will take place on June 30  July 7, 2019, in the picturesque scenery of Łącko in Lesser Poland.

This year, the organizers invited eleven teachers of various specialties to lead their classes: Iga Bialic (string orchestra), Maria Shetty (viola, orchestral studies), Jan Kalinowski (cello), Gajusz Kęska (piano), Bartłomiej Kominek (piano duets), Piotr Lato (clarinet), Oriana Masternak (violin), Marek Szlezer (piano), Wioletta Strączek (flute), Beata Urbanek-Kalinowska (chamber music), Małgorzata Wasiucionek (violin).

The Malopolska Academy of Talents is an opportunity to improve your skills under the watchful eye of experienced and recognized authorities of classical music scene. During the courses, participants have the opportunity to make direct contact with a selected teacher and work with her or him individually. The formula of the courses, developed over the past years, is destined to broaden the musical horizons of young instrumentalists and give them tools to independently assess the level of their skills, ant to set out new bold but achievable goals to which they will strive. During the courses there will be performances of participants and teachers of the courses open to public. Participants must prepare for them short pieces in a relatively short time, which allows them to become familiar with the specificity of dynamic work in the music profession and teaches them to deal with stage fright. Admission to the concerts of the Małopolska Academy of Talents is free.

The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2019.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Information about courses and pedagogues as well as application form are available at www.kursymuzyczne.com/en/home.

Kraków | Full Microtonality

Sinfonietta Cracovia

What are the mysterious microtones? Why is microtonal music so different from the one we arre used to as listeners of European classical music? The answers to these questions will be sought together with Sinfonietta Cracovia on March 16, 2019 at 7.00 p.m., during the next edition of the cycle "Music without applause" at the Museum of Contemporary Art MOCAK.

On March 16, Jurek Dybała's ensemble will perform under the baton of the outstanding conductor Ernst Kovacic, with whom they inaugurated this innovative series four years ago. We will listen to microtonal compositions, based on musical intervals smaller than a semitone. In modern European music, microtones appeared only thanks to the modernists and avant-garde artists. It is worth mentioning that it was the forgotten, unequal temperament that was characteristic of the musical culture of ancient India, China, Arab countries and Greece. It is not without reason that the concert will start with the precursory experimental works of 20th-century Greek composers: bravura and dynamic 10 sketches for string orchestra by Nikos Skalkottas and dramatic Syrmos for 18 string instruments, in which you can feel the mathematical precision and spatial imagination of the composer and architect Iannis Xenakis.

The raw space of the Museum of Contemporary Art MOCAK also enables to reach for the latest music, which will be represented by the economical and moving antichesis for 14 strings by the Austrian composer Beata Furrer. The evening will end with a Polish premiere of L'ideale lucente e le pagine rubate for strings by the Italian composer Salvatore Sciarrino, one of the most renowned and most frequently awarded contemporaries.

According to the rules of the cycle "Music without applause", listeners will be asked to refrain from applause both during the concert and after its end. So far, this unusual postulate has been successfully implemented – will it work out this time?

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Information on tickets at: www.sinfonietta.pl 

Bydgoszcz | 100 Years of Independence


On March 15, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., the Ignacy Jan Paderewski Pomeranian Philharmonic in Bydgoszcz will host a concert entitled "100 Years of Independence".

The evening will start with the performance of Lamento for the oboe by Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa. The Symphony Orchestra of the Pomeranian Philharmonic under the baton of Kai Bumann will perform together with Mariusz Pędziałek – a concertmaster of the Cracow Philharmonic Orchestra, who is also a member of the Artistic Society "Muzyka Centrum", the Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music, the Witold Lutosławski Society, and the Brass Quintet of Kraków Philharmonic. He has performed many times at the "Warsaw Autumn" festival, he was also a member of the Program Committee of the "Poznań Spring" Festival. During the concert in Bydgoszcz, Mariusz Pędziałek will also present his rendition of the oboe parts in Joseph Haydn's Concerto in C Major, which score was discovered and released only in 1926. In the finale, we will listen to the Symphony No. 1 by Johannes Brahms.

Before the concert, at 6.00 p.m., there will be a meeting with Konrand Mielnik – music producer and journalist, artistic director and head of the Editorial Board of the Culture Office of the Polish Radio in Gdańsk – Radio Gdańsk S.A.

More information at: http://www.filharmonia.bydgoszcz.pl/blog/wydarzenia/100-lat-niepodleglosci-9/ 

Gorzów | Grand Quartets of the 20th Century


On March 15, 2019 at 7.00 p.m., the Gorzów Philharmonic will host a concert of the Henryk Mikołaj Górecki String Quartet. The programme will consist of string quartets by Karol Szymanowski and Witold Lutosławski.

The genre itself was not one of the most popular in Polish music until the 20th century. Karol Szymanowski was the first composer who applied creative and original ideas ​​to the traditional form of string quartet. Thanks to him, this form has become a fertile ground for creative explorations for other outstanding Polish composers.

Szymanowski's String Quartet No. 2 is one of the most "modern" of his compositions. It comprises the elements of expressionism, impressionism, neoclassicism, and romantic emotionality. The individual features of the composer's style can be found, among others, in references to highlander folklore. Witold Lutosławski's String Quartet reflects the "storm and stress" period in the composer's output. It is distinguished by avant-garde, slightly aggressive sound, which stems from the ad libitum technique, and the two-part form.

More information at: https://filharmoniagorzowska.pl/pl/calendar/event/1212/2019-03-15/19:00 

Jelenia Góra | Musical Mountaintops


A concert on March 15, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Lower Silesian Philharmonic will commemorate the 50th anniversary of Maestro Jerzy Salwarowski's artistic work.

In 2019 Jerzy Salwarowski celebrates the 50th anniversary of artistic activity. On this occasion the Mastro wil conduct a concert of works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Symphony No. 425 "Linzka", and two outstanding Polish composers – Mieczysław Karłowicz and Wojciech Kilar. A juxtaposition of Karłowicz's Eternal Songs, published just before the tragic death of the composer, and Kilar's homage to Karłowicz – Kościelec 1909, carries a huge load of emotions. During the March concert Jerzy Salwarowski, a top-class specialist in Mieczysław Karłowicz's legacy, will lead the Lower Silesian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra.

Information on tickets at: http://filharmonia.jgora.pl/repertuar,6/muzyczne-szczyty-koncert-z-okazji-50-lecia-pracy-artystycznej,2733?did=3937