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19th Volume (2021) of the 'Polish Musicological Yearbook' available online

The nineteenth volume of Polish Musicological Yearbook of 2021 is now available on the yearbook’s website under the bookmark WYDANE NUMERY / 2021. Papers will also be published at the Sciendo platform. Printed version is being prepared by the Polish Music Edition (PWM), to be obtained at the internet bookstore of PWM.

2021 Yearbook contains representative group of papers presented at the International Musicological Conference ‘National identities – European universality: Music and Musical Life in Central-Eastern Europe (1918–2018)’ organized on the occasion of 100th anniversary of regaining independence by Poland.

The editorial team thank all the Authors, other Individuals and Institutions for substantive input, engagement and support expressed towards the Yearbook team.

The patron of the Polish Musicological Yearbook is Society of Authors’ ZAiKS

Zgadnij, co to za kompozycja?

Zapraszamy do udziału w konkursie z atrakcyjnymi nagrodami!

Wystarczy odgadnąć imię i nazwisko kompozytora oraz tytuł utworu, którego fragment zapisu nutowego został wykorzystany w nagłówku naszej nowej witryny www.polmic.pl.

Spośród tych osób, które nadeślą prawidłowe odpowiedzi, wylosujemy trzech zwycięzców, którzy otrzymają atrakcyjne nagrody-niespodzianki. Na rozwiązanie konkursu czekamy do 4 grudnia 2008 roku (włącznie).

Odpowiedź zawierającą imię i nazwisko kompozytora, pełny tytuł utworu oraz dane osoby zgłaszającej (imię, nazwisko, adres i numer telefonu) prosimy nadsyłać na adres e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Zwycięzców ogłosimy w dniu 5 grudnia 2008 roku na stronie www.polmic.pl.

Przed zgłoszeniem swego udziału w konkursie prosimy o zapoznanie się z jego Regulaminemplik pdf.

'Regamey & Regamey. Pasiecznik & Pasiecznik' album awarded Album of the Year 2021 by 'Hi-Fi i Muzyka'

In the January issue of the monthly ‘Hi-Fi i Muzyka’ a list of the Annual Awards awarded by the magazine was published.

The awards go to the best CD records and playback equipment of the last twelve months. The Regamey & Regamey. Pasiecznik & Pasiecznik album described by reviewers from the magazine's music division as ‘unique, crucial for the history of Polish music of the 20th century’ became Album of the Year 2021.

Thank you very much for this prestigious honourable mention!

Polish Composers' Union Archive - edition and conservatory prevention

ZKPThanks to the support of The Head Office of State Archives of the competition for a public task ‘Wspieranie działań archiwalnych 2021’ (Supporting the archive activity 2021) in the 2nd half of 2021 a ‘Polish Composers’ Union – edition and conservatory prevention’ programme took place.

The archive documents from 1945-1989 have been arranged in order and a new inventory has been set up and secured.The new digital inventory has also been launched online in the new OSA standard (Open Archive System) as well as a pdf file.

ZKPOnline access at the following links:

Polish Composers' Union Files Archive at the Open Archive System OSA website: https://osa.archiwa.org/archiwa/PL_1084,

Polish Composers' Union Files Archive Inventory Inwentarz Archiwum Akt Związku Kompozytorów Polskich: plik pdf,

Table of old and new signatures: plik pdf.


New Visual Identification of Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

polmicThe Polish Music Information Center POLMIC celebrates its 20th birthday this year! On this occasion, upon entering a new chapter, we decided to change our visual identification, which is a response to the changing world, as well as the need for better communication with partners. We present the new logotype of the organisation along with a brand book.

A simple form of the logo symbol carries a set of connotations related to sound and interactivity. With the help of a simple switch, button or icon, we obtain the necessary information. The symbol is also a source of sound, a visual representation of concentric waves. Therefore, it brings to mind the image and function of a loudspeaker diaphragm. The white elements of the symbol are arranged in the shape of the letter "i" ("information"). The color palette is based on shades of navy blue and blue – inspired by the colours of the previous logo. The POLMIC logo has two formats – horizontal and vertical – and two language versions: Polish and English.

The new POLMIC visual identity was designed and made by the outstanding graphic artist Marcin Władyka.

From 2022 we will only use the new logotype that emphasizes our identity and gives it a new dimension.

DOWNLOAD: Brand Book

Sound Chronicle of the 2019 Warsaw Autumn - on CDs and online

Delayed by the financing troubles we would like to finally present you with the next edition of the ‘Sound Chronicle of the Warsaw Autumn’. A set of the 2019 62nd Warsaw Autumn Festival recordings is published first.

Despite tremendous endeavours we were not able to obtain satisfactory funds thus this year’s Chronicle differs from what we are used to. It consists of three audio CDs only and presents recordings of inaugural and final concerts as well as Youth Section of the Polish Composers’ Union concert:

CD No. 1
1 / Morten Ladehoff Organ improvisation / 2’46’’
2 / Bruno Mantovani Entrechoc / 13’57’’
3 / Zygmunt Krauze Piano Concerto no. 3 (Fragments of Memory) / 16’00’’
4 / Morten Ladehoff Organ improvisation / 4’02’’
5 / Magdalena Długosz On the Edge of Light / 24’33’’
6 / Morten Ladehoff Organ improvisation / 3’58’’
CD No. 2
1 / Bára Gísladóttir ÓS / 6’50’’
2 / Rebecca Saunders alba / 22’59’’
3 / Tadeusz Wielecki Anamnesis / 14’45’’
4 / Jonathan Harvey …towards a pure land / 17’56’’
CD No. 3
1 / Krzysztof Ratajski Agreements of the music table / 9’39’’
2 / Dominik Puk Τηλέμαχος (Tēlémachos) / 7’26’’
3 / Viacheslav Kyrylov Music of inequality / 6’15’’
4 / Paweł Siek NEOPLAST. COMP. (2nd FLOOR) / 16’41’’
5 / Michał Lazar blurred / 6’11’’

At the same time we launch online presentation of the ‘Sound Chronicle’ with the Festival’s chosen works. You may listen to excerpts of the 2019 Warsaw Autumn under the ‘Czytelnia/Posłuchaj” bookmark.

The project was subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Culture Promotion Fund as part of the National Institute of Music and Dance programme ‘Muzyczny ślad‘ (Musical Trace).


Read more: Sound Chronicle of the 2019 Warsaw Autumn - on CDs and online

Roman Maciejewski - for two pianos - Vol. 2

As part of the „Muzyka polska dzisiaj – portrety współczesnych kompozytorów polskich” (‘Polish music today – potraits of Polish contemporary composers’) series launched in 2013, Polish Composers’ Union published another CD with Roman Maciejewski’s music for two pianos this year.

The CD (catalogue number: polmic 164) contains two piano works of the composer: Allegro concertante – two pianos version composed in 1944 and Pianoduo concertante for two pianos without orchestra composed between 1935 and 1936.

Anna Wielgus-Nowak and Grzegorz Nowak as Novi Piano Duo recorded the works for the DUX Recording Producers in the Krzysztof Penderecki European Centre for Music on 29 November – 2 December this year. Marlena Wieczorek, the author of the composer’s monograph published in 2008 in Poznań (PTPN publisher), wrote the booklet essay.

The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund as part of the National Institute of Music and Dance programme ‘Muzyczny ślad‘ (Musical Trace).


Read more: Roman Maciejewski - for two pianos - Vol. 2

18th volume of 'Musicology Today' came out!

POLMICAs the culinary pasticcio added appeal to seventeenth- and eighteenth-century aristocratic parties, working just as strongly on the sense of taste as on that of sight, so the operatic pasticcio and the pasticcio practice in general have enlivened contemporary musicological research. The 18th volume of the English-language journal ‘Musicology Today’, published by the Institute of Musicology of the University of Warsaw and the Polish Composers' Union, is entirely devoted to pasticcio.

The presented volume is part of the Pasticcio. Ways of Arranging Attractive Operas research project, funded from the Beethoven 2 Programme, which is co-financed by the National Science Centre of Poland and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. It includes 14 articles based on presentations from the conference that summed up the project, Operatic Pasticcio in Eighteenth-Century Opera: Work Concept, Performance Practice, Digital Humanities, which was held in May 2021 at Warsaw University.

The texts analyse pasticcios with reference to the concept of the operatic work from very different perspectives: those of theatrical practice (Giovanni Polin); the audiences (Ina Knoth), culinary analogies (Berthold Over), and pleasure (Aneta Markuszewska). Anne Desler discusses singers’ dramaturgical choices and their creative contributions to pasticcio production. Raffaele Mellace traces changes in Johann Adolf Hasse’s composition strategies over the period of thirty years that separate his Siroe (Bologna 1733) from his eponymous self-pasticcio (Dresden 1763). Hasse’s Siroe is also considered by Emilia Pelliccia and Sonia Rzepka, who, using Laodice’s recitativo accompagnato sung by Elisabeth Teyber as their starting point, analyse that singer’s impact on the musical form of the work and on Hasse’s creative process, as well as presenting the functions and elements of the database that the project group has been working on.

Reinhard Strohm uses the example of Handel’s Scipione (1730) to talk about eighteenth-century stage practice as well as problems involved in contemporary editions of pasticcios. Three other articles (by Gesa zur Nieden, Jana Spáčilová, and Paologiovanni Maione) deal with the specific qualities of pasticcios staged respectively in such European hubs as Hamburg, Prague, Brno and Naples. At the foundation of every opera or pasticcio lay the literary libretti, whose migrations and forms constitute a crucial, extremely difficult aspect of the pasticcio research, taken up in her article by Anna Ryszka-Komarnicka. Interest in the pasticcio is also evident in contemporary operatic life. The dilemmas, questions, and decisions faced by musicologists and music life organisers in our own times in the process of staging pasticcios are the subject of two papers, by Bruno Forment and Clemens Birnbaum.

The journal is available online at: https://sciendo.com/issue/MUSO/18/1 

Details of the project can be found at: https://www.pasticcio-project.eu/ 

20 Years of Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC!

POLMIC"For the sake of Polish musical culture, in order to widely disseminate Polish music, in the interests of Polish composers, musicologists and musicians, the Main Board of the Polish Composers' Union establishes the Polish Music Information Centre, which continues the tradition of the Polish Music Centre of the Polish Composers' Union and the activities of the Library and Music Collection of the Polish Composers’ Union – Polish Contemporary Music Documentation Centre, by collecting and sharing materials in the library section and information in the database section, extending the scope of interest to performers, institutions and music events in Poland."

This first sentence about the Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC was published 20 years ago, on 21 November 2001, in the Founding Act drawn up by members of the Polish Composers' Union.

Since then, we have been promoting Polish music by organising concerts in Poland and abroad. We publish albums – including  "The Sound Chronicle of the Warsaw Autumn", monographic albums in the series "Polish Music Today – Portraits of Contemporary Polish Composers", and books – distributed all over the world!

POLMIC operates within the structures of the International Association of Music Information Centers IAMIC.

The Polmic.pl portal is the first website dedicated to Polish contemporary music. We collect information about music and musicians in POLMIC databases, we run a Virtual Music Encyclopedia, we provide current information about musical life in Poland and we are the media patron of the most important events featuring contemporary music. We present the archives of the Polish Composers' Union in the POLMIC Digital Archive. We provide archives, books, magazines, sheet music and recordings in the scientific Library and Music Collection of the Polish Composers' Union.

20 years behind us and the whole world ahead of us! The new stage in our activity will be accompanied by a new graphic identification by the outstanding graphic artist Marcin Władyka.

Please visit www.polmic.pl and our headquarters at 27 Old Town Market Square in Warsaw!

Dublin | Concert in Tribute to Krzysztof Penderecki

DublinKrzysztof Penderecki's music will be heard on 10 October 2021 at the Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin as part of the popular Sundays@Noon series. The concert performed by Hard Rain Soloists Ensemble conducted by Sinead Hayes will be held as part of the "Krzysztof Penderecki: Europe in Tribute to the Master" project, organised by the Polish Composers' Union in collaboration with foreign partners.

The concert will begin and end with early compositions by the world-famous composer, conductor and teacher, a long-time Honorary Member and the Honorary President of the Polish Composers' Union, who passed away in March 2020. His Three Miniatures for clarinet and piano, showing no traces of later radicalism, were composed in 1956 when Penderecki was still a student of the State Higher School of Music in Krakow. Three years later he wrote Three Miniatures for violin and piano which heralds the 'sonoristic' period in his work. It was on the threshold of the 1960s that his career took off due to winning all three awards in the 2nd PCU's Competition for Young Composers. At the time he was also teaching at the Krakow academy and among his students was Marek Stachowski, whose Audition for flute, cello and piano (1970) we will hear at the concert.

Throughout his life Krzysztof Penderecki was an ardent promoter of the latest contemporary music. The programme will therefore include the works of Polish composers of the young generation: ReVerse 4 (2014) by Adam Porębski, Dance with my Breath (2015) by Agnieszka Stulgińska, and Lignes d'hauntologie / 1949? (2017) by Paweł Siek. The compositions will be performed by Hard Rain Soloist Ensemble (HRSE) – a contemporary music group from Belfast, whose remit is to present music by local composers in the context of works by leading exponents of contemporary music from around the world. The concert programme will be complemented by two contemporary Irish works: Blunt Instrument (2008-09) by Greg Caffrey and LUCA (2017) by Gráinne Mulvey.

The project is carried out by the Polish Composers’ Union / Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC in partnership with the Contemporary Music Centre in Dublin with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dublin. Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport from the Culture Promotion Fund.

More information: https://www.cmc.ie/