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Savvas Savva, Cândido Lima, Jana Kmiťová, Gunnar Andreas Kristinsson, Zygmunt Krauze

2014 IAMIC Concert “Tradition and New Music“

Savvas Savva (Cyprus) Drepani 03’27’’
for piano, percussion and strings

Cândido Lima (Portugal) Momentos-Memórias II 16’39’’
for two guitars (Portuguese and classical) and strings

Jana Kmiťová (Slovakia) Metamerie 11’21’’
for Slovak fujara solo and ensemble

Gunnar Andreas Kristinsson (Iceland) Arma Virumque Cano 13’49’’
for 15 instruments

Zygmunt Krauze (Poland) Aus aller Welt stammende 11’54’’
for 5 violins, 3 violas and 2 cellos
version for złóbcoki (Podhale one-piece fiddles) and classical strings

Wyk.: Miguel Raposo - Portuguese guitar, Philippe Raposo - guitar, Michal Paľko - Slovak fujara, Orkiestra Muzyki Nowej (New Music Orchestra), Szymon Bywalec - conductor


* polmic 2014 - polmic 115, DDD - 55'9" 

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