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official patronage

Zielona Góra | 'In the rythm of Tango' - New Year's Eve Concert

FZ 22Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The Zielona Góra Philharmonic invites you on January 31, 2022 at 18.00 on a journey full of passion and passion, told by the most beautiful tangos in the world. A woman (singer Kaja Mianowana) and tango masters (Ganga Tango band) will meet in sensual tango that night. The soloist of the concert will be invited to the milonga by a world-class dancer, Gieorgij Puchalski.

The Zielona Góra Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra will be conducted by Agnieszka Środowska. Artists will perform, among others: works by Piazzolla, Szpilman, Petersburski, Gardel and Gade.

Press release

More: http://filharmoniazg.pl/events/w-rytmie-tanga-koncert-sylwestrowy/