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Warsaw | 1st Warsaw Experiment Studio: final concert

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

Warszawskie studio eksperymentu - odsłona grudniowaThe final concert of the 1st Warsaw Experiment Studio with the participation of the legendary tubist Zdzisław Piernik and double bassist Sławek Janicki, the originator of the project, will take place on the 13th of December, 2023 at 20:00 in Hashtag Lab.

The artists will perform Bogusław Schaeffer's Project. There will also be a premiere of the last multidisciplinary work this season, Sonokinetic Cosmodernism, by Qba Janicki and Rafał Ryterski.

Mózg Foudation – Foundation of Contemporary Music and Interdisciplinary Forms is the event's organizer.

Website of the project: www.wse.mozg.pl