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International Polish Music Competition for children and youth "ESSA!"

Essa - konkurs muzyki polskiejMedia patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The Tarasy Kultury Association and the "Muzyka do Potęgi" Foundation invite you to participate in the International Polish Music Competition for children and youth "ESSA!" on April 25-26, 2024. Deadline for applications is the 31st of March.

The title word of the competition "Essa" is a contemporary youthful expression of freedom and joy, recognized by linguists as the Youth Word of the Year (2022). The aim of the event is to promote Polish music of all eras and disseminate Polish compositions of talented children and youth in all specialties.

The director of the competition is Prof. Agata Górska-Kołodziejska, deputy director - Prof. Ewelina Zawiślak.

The competition is open to instrumentalists and vocalists, as well as chamber ensembles, choirs and orchestras of all types of music schools. The competition is also addressed to children and young people educated outside the institutionalized mode (private education, community centers and others).

Registration form available on the website https://tarasykultury.pl/miedzynarodowy-konkurs-muzyki-polskiej-dla-dzieci-i-mlodziezy-essa/