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Jerzy Maksymiuk awarded the Order of the White Eagle

Andrzej Duda z okazji Święta Narodowego Trzeciego Maja nadał Order Orła Białego Jerzemu MaksymiukowiAs reported on the website of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, accompanied by the First Lady, on the occasion of the 3rd of May, 2024, awarded the Order of the White Eagle to persons distinguished in service to the state and society. The recipients were: Jadwiga Puzynina - linguist and literature researcher - and maestro Jerzy Maksymiuk.

The pianist, conductor and composer received this highest state distinction "in recognition of outstanding contributions to Polish culture, for outstanding achievements in artistic work, especially in the field of conducting and composition."

Photo: © Marek Borawski / KPRP

Source: https://www.prezydent.pl/aktualnosci/ordery-i-odznaczenia/ordery-orla-bialego-w-swieto-narodowe-trzeciego-maja,85156