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5th NeoArte Festival - New Music Spectrum

NeoArte5th edition of NeoArte Festival - New Music Spectrum will be held on October 6-8, 2016 in Gdańsk.

The main idea of this annual event is to popularise contemporary classical music to a wider audience. Renowned composers, established artists and young talented musicians meet to formulate a new musical perspective of contemporary times. The first edition of the festival was held in October 2012 with Polish composer Paweł Szymański as guest of honour, followed by Elżbieta Sikora in 2013, Cezary Duchnowski in 2014 and Paweł Mykietyn in 2015. This time, a monograph concert will be devoted to music by Joanna Bruzdowicz.

Performers at this year’s festival include Kwadrofonik with singer Barbara Kinga Majewska, NeoQuartet, flutist Łukasz Długosz, vibraphonist Dominik Bukowski, pianists Tomasz Jocz and Joanna Żabierek, violinists Karolina Piątkowska-Nowicka and Paweł Kapica, as well as Festival Chamber Orchestra conducted by Wódecki. Since 2013 the festival’s formula has been gradually expanded to include also workshops and discussion panels.

More information: www.neoarte.pl