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Szczecin | Szymanowski & Bruckner


During the next concert from the series "Prelude of Talents", on March 16, 2018 at 7.00 p.m. at the Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin, we will hear Violin Concerto No. 2 op. 61 by Karol Szymanowski in the interpretation of the Norwegian violinist Eldbjørg Hemsingi and Symphony No. 7 by Anton Bruckner. 

The score of the Second Violin Concerto (1933) comes from the “national” period in Szymanowski's biography. Since the 1920s the artist had used elements of Polish folklore, e.g. from Podhale and Kurpie. Hence, the enthusiasts of Violin Concerto No. 1, which is full of impressionism, exotics and eroticism, should be informed that the piece number two presents an expression of completely different ideas. There are musical notes from Podhale, but rather than the sound of experiments we hear more tonal phrases. The co-author of the concerto, which was premiered on October 6, 1933 at the Warsaw Philharmonic, is the great violinist Paweł Kochański, a consultant in many of the violin works of the composer. During the upcoming concert, the solo part will be performed by the conductor Rune Bergmann’s fellow countrywoman, Norwegian violinist Eldbjørg Hemsing, whose fame has extended far beyond Scandinavian circles (Wigmore Hall, Verbier Festival, AlpenKlassik in Germany).

The second part will be filled with Bruckner's Symphony No. 7, which was premiered with great triumph on March 10, 1885 in Munich, under the baton of Hermann Levie. The reviewer of "Berliner Tageblatt" wrote: "Bruckner has seduced us so much that when the last chord of this great work came out, we asked in astonishment: how could he have so long been a mystery to us?" The symphony consists of four monumental parts, and is filled with lyricism and seriousness (the second part of the work is reminiscent of the famous Adagietto of Mahler’s Symphony No. 5).

More information at: filharmonia.szczecin.pl