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Generations #ZKP

ZKPThe Wrocław Branch of the Polish Composers' Union invites you to the second event in the series of concerts "I choose Contemporary Music", presenting a wide range of works by Wrocław composers. The concert will be held on Facebook on 15 December 2020 at 8.00 p.m.

The Generations #ZKP concert, planned in a unique space of the Op Enhaim tenement house at 4 Solny Square in Wrocław, is a presentation of the oldest generation of Wrocław composers and pedagogues, whose music is extremely valuable and still inspires new generations. Accordionist Rafał Łuc will perform with the Ensemble Kompopolex, specialising in new music.

We will hear compositions by Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil, Ryszard Klisowski, Piotr Drożdżewski and Leszek Wisłocki, arranged especially for this occasion by the ensemble, and a new composition by Rafał Augustyn – Omaggio a MPK for three performers.

Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and by the Municipality of Wrocław.

JOIN: Facebook Event