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Warsaw | Per archi: Mendelssohn – Haydn – Bacewicz

POKAfter a long break, the Polish Royal Opera invites you on 13 March 2021 at 7.00 p.m. for a musical meeting in the historic interiors of the Royal Castle. The concert will be broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the Polish Royal Opera.

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809-1847) – "the prodigy of the Romantic era" – showed remarkable musical talent from an early age. From the Symphony in B minor No. 10, composed in 1823, only one movement has survived to this day and, judging by the architecture of the other symphonies from that period, was originally supplemented with additional passages. Its compact structure and formal perfection allow it to successfully function as an autonomous piece. It was clearly inspired by the works of the masters of the Classicism era, but we can also already hear the lyricism and dramaturgy of the development of form characteristic of Mendelssohn’s style.

The piece will be followed by Joseph Haydn’s (1732-1809) Violin Concerto in C major, which also carries reminiscences of a bygone era, such as melodic figuration and other techniques characteristic of the Italian style prevalent in Europe at that time, the sources of which lie in the Baroque era. On the other hand, the three-part form of the composition beginning with the sonata-allegro is typical for classicism.

The programme ends with the thrilling Concerto for string orchestra from 1948 by the outstanding Polish composer and violinist – Grażyna Bacewicz (1909-1969). The piece premiered at the convention of the Polish Composers’ Union in 1950 and was highly recognised by the public, as evidenced by the enthusiastic statement of Stefan Kisielewski: "It can be said with a clear conscience that the honour of Polish composers was this time saved by a 'broad' – Grażyna Bacewicz. Her Concerto for String Orchestra, written with impetus and energy, full of fluid invention and great instrumentation ideas, finally awakened us from lethargy […] ”.

Full programme: https://operakrolewska.pl/en/repetoire/per-archi-mendelssohn-haydn-bacewicz/