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Słupsk | 56th Polish Piano Festival

polmicMedia patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

On September 3–8, 2022, the 56th Polish Piano Festival will be held in Słupsk. It is the largest and one of the oldest events for Polish pianists and harpsichordists and a place to present a comprehensive repertoire, including works by Polish composers.

The main idea of the Festival is to present Polish music in the context of world music literature and Polish performers. This year's edition will be attended by, among others Mateusz Krzyżowski, Joanna Marcinkowska, Piotr Sałajczyk and Bogdan Czapiewski. The festival will also be an opportunity for piano debuts and premieres of specifically commissioned works. This year, there will be a premiere of a new piece by Andrzej Karałow Vocalise - a tribute to Witkacy's landscapes, inspired by Witkacy's paintings.

The programme of this year's 56th Festival includes important musical anniversaries concerning Karol Szymanowski (140th birthday and 85th death anniversary), Antoni Stolpe (150th death anniversary), Kazimierz Serocki (100th birthday), Claude Debussy (160th birthday) and Wojciech Kilar (90th birthday).

Photo exhibition Wojciech Kilar - Now, now, now and ... Amen by Zdzisław Sowiński has also been planned.

Festival website: https://sites.google.com/view/towarzystwokulturalne/festiwal-pianistyki-polskiej