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Gdańsk | Multichannel Post Quartet: 4 world premieres in the post-industrial space of Gdańsk

Patronat medialny nad projektem objęło Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.

POLMICThe "Multichannel Post Quartet" project is a multimedia event taking place in the post industrial space in the former Gdańsk Shipyard and in the building of the WL4 Mleczny Piotr Art Gallery, which will take place on September 10, 2022 in Gdańsk. During the two-hour audiovisual performance, four world premieres of works related to the genre of music and contemporary art will be presented, specially commissioned for the event by the NeoQuartet.

Recognized Polish and foreign composers were invited to the project - Paweł Szymański, Agnieszka Stulgińska, Gerard Pape (France), Michał Markiewicz and the visual artist Piotr Wyrzykowski. All works will be performed by a Tri-City string quartet specializing in the performance of contemporary music - NeoQuartet.

The idea of ​​the project is, on the one hand, an attempt to break the stereotype of the traditional approach to a cultural event, to enter the public space with art and to involve the audience in the creative process; on the other hand, it is a form of tribute to the artists whose compositions will be part of the event.

The project promotes contemporary art and its creators, and at the same time creates conditions for the audience to experience creative art, which positively influences the personal development of the recipient. The artistic concept of the project assumes the greatest possible extension of the sources of sound, inspiration, and the amount of stimuli that are sent to the audience. The title multi-channel concerns the very structure of new compositions (the participation of electronics, synthesizers, multi-channel sound systems, video, construction machines), as well as the approach to the concert venue and its surroundings, which in themselves become a work of art and a generator of artistic impressions during the performance of the concert.

Co-financed by the city of Gdańsk.

Joanna Bieńkowska

Programme and ticket information: https://neoarte.pl