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“Discovering Paderewski” in Lviv

Odkrywamy Paderewskiego“Discovering Paderewski” International Festival in Lviv has already become one of the most important cultural events in Ukraine. The fourth edition of the festival, held between 5th and 15th of November 2015, aims at promoting Polish culture and getting eastern neighbours acquainted with the treasures of national musical repertoire at the highest, global level.

This year the Lviv Opera House will host a unique Polish Folk Song and Dance Ensemble “Mazowsze” which is going to perform Jan Stefani’s opera Cracovians and Highlanders (libr. By Wojciech Bogusławski) – the opera that dates back to the 18th century and symbolically represents the structure of the Polish society before the third partition of Poland. The organizers invited Krzysztof Penderecki to conduct the orchestra performing his works (Sinfonietta No. 1, Agnus Dei, Chaconne) and accept the honorary degree of Doctor of Honoris Causa of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy. The presence of such artists as pianist Adam Wodnicki, conductor and cellist Andrzej Bauer and DagaDana band will transform the fourth edition of the festival into a great Polish music celebration.

The event will also be marked with the discussion panel entitled “Geopolitical aspects of Polish-Ukrainian relations during the Second Commonwealth of Poland and Ukrainian People’s Republic in the time of Ignacy Jan Paderewski”. It will be moderated by the famous Ukrainian writer, cultural studies and political scientist Taras Voznyak. It has also become a well-established tradition to conduct the Paderewski award ceremony: bronze statuettes will be given to those people who have been particularly successful in working towards Polish-Ukrainian partnership, as well as to those who promote Ignacy Jan Paderewski and Polish culture abroad. The idea of organizing an artistic event associated with the name of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, an outstanding pianist, composer, politician and benefactor, provides an opportunity of mutual cultural enrichment of two nations, Polish and Ukrainian, which seems to be one of the most crucial issues nowadays. The festival is held under the honorary patronage of Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and Adam Struzik - Marshal of Mazovia Voivodeship.

More information: www.paderewski.eu, Festival's Facebook profile.

“Discovering Paderewski” in Lviv

Odkrywamy Paderewskiego“Discovering Paderewski” International Festival in Lviv has already become one of the most important cultural events in Ukraine. The fourth edition of the festival, held between 5th and 15th of November 2015, aims at promoting Polish culture and getting eastern neighbours acquainted with the treasures of national musical repertoire at the highest, global level.

This year the Lviv Opera House will host a unique Polish Folk Song and Dance Ensemble “Mazowsze” which is going to perform Jan Stefani’s opera Cracovians and Highlanders (libr. By Wojciech Bogusławski) – the opera that dates back to the 18th century and symbolically represents the structure of the Polish society before the third partition of Poland. The organizers invited Krzysztof Penderecki to conduct the orchestra performing his works (Sinfonietta No. 1, Agnus Dei, Chaconne) and accept the honorary degree of Doctor of Honoris Causa of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy. The presence of such artists as pianist Adam Wodnicki, conductor and cellist Andrzej Bauer and DagaDana band will transform the fourth edition of the festival into a great Polish music celebration.

The event will also be marked with the discussion panel entitled “Geopolitical aspects of Polish-Ukrainian relations during the Second Commonwealth of Poland and Ukrainian People’s Republic in the time of Ignacy Jan Paderewski”. It will be moderated by the famous Ukrainian writer, cultural studies and political scientist Taras Voznyak. It has also become a well-established tradition to conduct the Paderewski award ceremony: bronze statuettes will be given to those people who have been particularly successful in working towards Polish-Ukrainian partnership, as well as to those who promote Ignacy Jan Paderewski and Polish culture abroad. The idea of organizing an artistic event associated with the name of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, an outstanding pianist, composer, politician and benefactor, provides an opportunity of mutual cultural enrichment of two nations, Polish and Ukrainian, which seems to be one of the most crucial issues nowadays. The festival is held under the honorary patronage of Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and Adam Struzik - Marshal of Mazovia Voivodeship.

More information: www.paderewski.eu, Festival's Facebook profile.

Sympozjum „Maria Szymanowska i jej czasy” – po raz trzeci w Paryżu

3. Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Maria Szymanowska i jej czasy zatytułowane Talenty w wydaniu kobiecym: mity i rzeczywistość odbędzie się w dniach 25-27 listopada 2015 roku w Staaltcji Naukowej Państwowej Akademii Nauk w Paryżu. Honorowy patronat nad wydarzeniem objął Ambasador Rzeczpospolitej we Francji Andrzej Byrt.

Pierwszy wieczór uświetni koncert Łakomstwo na muzykę, podczas którego zabrzmią utwory skomponowane wyłącznie przez kobiety. Na wiedeńskim pianoforte Johanna Aloisa Graffa z 1825 roku, pochodzącym z kolekcji Petry Somlai i Barta van Oorta, kompozycje wykonają: Ekaterina Glazovskaya, Marcia Hadjimarkos, Claudia Dafne Sevilla Carrion, Petra Somlai, Françoise Tillard, Edoardo Torbianelli, Bart Van Oort, Elisabeth Zapolska oraz Iwo Zaluski.

Kolejne dwa dni przeznaczone będą na wystąpienia naukowców i muzyków z różnych krajów Europy oraz Stanów Zjednoczonych. Wśród prelegentów znajdą się: Valérie Cossy (Lozanna), Jérôme Dorival (Lyon), Helen Geyer (Weimar), Irène Minder-Jeanneret (Berno), Françoise Pitt-Rivers (Paryż), Irena Poniatowska (Warszawa), Maria Stolarzewicz (Weimar), Maja Trochimczyk (Los Angeles), Jean-Marc Warszawski (Paryż). Sympozjum poprowadzi Elisabeth Zapolska-Chapelle (Paryż) – autorka projektu Maria Szymanowska (1789-1831), kobieta Europy, w ramach którego odbywa się wydarzenie.

Referaty zostaną poświęcone działalności takich artystek, jak: Isabelle De Charrière (1740-1805), Angelica Kauffmann (1741-1807), Marianne von Martinez (1744-1812), Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun (1755-1842), Maria Theresia von Paradis (1759-1824), Hélène de Montgeroult (1764-1836), Maria Anna Czartoryska de Wittemberg (1768-1854), Jane Austen (1775-1817), Sophie Gail (1775-1819), Louise Reichardt (1779-1826), Hortense de Beauharnais (1783-1837), Caroline Boissier-Butini (1786-1836), Maria Szymanowska (1789-1831), Annette von Droste-Hülshoff (1797-1848), Fanny Hensel (1809-1847), Clara Schumann (1819-1896).

Organizatorami wydarzenia są: Société Maria Szymanowska i Stacja Naukowa PAN w Paryżu. Patronat medialny nad sympozjum objęło Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej.

Rosyjskie tournée Orkiestry Symfonicznej Polskiej Filharmonii Bałtyckiej

Orkiestra Symfoniczna Polskiej Filharmonii Bałtyckiej zagra pod dyrekcją Tadeusza Wojciechowskiego 4 listopada 2015 roku w Soborze Chrystusa Zbawiciela w Kaliningradzie. Dzień później wystąpi razem z Dmitrijem Szyszkinem, laureatem szóstej nagrody tegorocznego Konkursu Chopinowskiego, w Sali Czajkowskiego w Filharmonii Moskiewskiej.

W programie pierwszego koncertu znajdzie się Polonez z opery Eugeniusz Oniegin Piotra Czajkowskiego oraz I koncert fortepianowy e-moll op. 11  i II koncert fortepianowy  f-moll op. 21 Fryderyka Chopina. Podczas koncertu 5 listopada 2015 po raz kolejny zabrzmią koncerty fortepianowe Chopina, a także Uwertura do opery Carmola Karola Kurpińskiego. Filharmonikom towarzyszyć będą laureaci XVII Międzynarodowego Konkursu Pianistycznego im. Fryderyka Chopina.

”Chapter 13” by Agata Zubel performed in Los Angeles

Contemporary PolandOn January 19, 2016 the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles will host a concert Contemporary Poland, during which Chapter 13 by Agata Zubel will have its world premiere.

Agata Zubel's most recent work was commissioned by Los Angeles Philharmonic. Its text comes from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince. The concert will also feature Paweł Mykietyn's 3 for 13 (first performance at the West Coast), Krzysztof Penderecki’s Sinfonietta No. 2 for clarinet and strings, Paweł Szymański’s quasi una sinfonietta and Krzysztof Meyer’s Musique scintillante.

Agata Zubel - soprano
Burt Hara - clarinet
LA Phil New Music Group
Łukasz Borowicz - conductor

More information: www.laphil.com