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Polish Music in Warmia and Żuławy

Muzyka polska

The 6th edition of the "Polish Music in Warmia and Żuławy" Festival will take place on 5-7 July 2019. The Elbląg Chamber Orchestra will give concert of Polish music in the Gothic churches of the region.

The festival will contribute to the celebration of the 200th birth anniversary of Stanisław Moniuszko, the father of Polish opera. As one of the Polish critics stated, "Moniuszko's work is a much colorful musical network, full of contrasts and paradoxes". This "network" covers not only the noble landscapes of the Haunted Manor, but also streets of medieval India from the opera Paria. The programme of the Festival will also include music of the outstanding violinist and composer Grażyna Bacewicz.

The Elbląg Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Marek Moś will perform with the invited soloists: Tomasz Mądzielewski, Maciej Magnuski, Mateusz Mosia, Mateusz Kołakowski, and Katarzyna Moś – Polish representative during the 62nd Eurovision Song Contest.

The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund under the "Moniuszko 2019 – Promesa" programme, implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance. The concert is held under the patronage of the PWM Edition as part of the TUTTI.pl project promoting the performances of Polish music.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Full programme available at:http://www.eok.elblag.eu/pl/news/vi-festiwal-muzyka-polska-na-warmii-i-zulawach

Lublin | 10th Congress of the Polish Federation of Pueri Cantores

Pueri Cantores

The Congress of the Polish Federation of Pueri Cantores – a great religious and cultural event –will be held in Lublin on 4-7 July 2019 under the slogan "Ut unum sint".

The Polish Federation of Pueri Cantores is an association of boys ', girls', children's and youth choirs operating within the framework of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland, as well as in music schools and cultural centers. The anniversary Congress will feature international choirs of the Pueri Cantores Federation, among others, from Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, and Hungary. The Congress in Lublin, held in the spirit of the prayer of Jesus Christ "Ut unum sint", will be an opportunity to build unity thorugh the adoration of the Holy Trinity.

For four days, the participants of the congress events will be celebrating the 450th anniversary of the Union of Lublin, and pray for peace throughout the world, using a rich spectrum of religious compositions – from traditional Gregorian chant to the latest music literature. The Congress will feature religious compositions by Stanisław Moniuszko and thus join the celebrations of the Moniuszko Year. The programme includes several musical events. During the "Night of choirs" on 5 July, the concerts will take place in the churches of Lublin, Kazimierz Dolny, Lubartów, Chełm, and Puławy. The next day, there will be a choral picnic and a gala concert in Lublin. About 1000 participants from all over Poland, as well as foreign guests, will premiere the composition Ut unum sint by Henryk Jan Botor.

The honorary patron of the event is the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Full programme available at: http://lublin2019.puericantores.pl/kongres/ 

47th Eugeniusz Brańka Summer Organ and Chamber Concerts in Władysławowo


The 47th edition of the Eugeniusz Brańka Summer Organ and Chamber Concerts in Władysławowo will be held on4  July – 22 August 2019. Traditionally, admission to all concerts is free.

A holiday series of classical music concerts, inaugurated in 1973 by the composer, conductor and organist from Częstochowa – Eugeniusz Brańka – became a permanent summer event in Władysławowo. The organizer of the festival is the Center of Culture, Promotion and Sport in Władysławowo with the cooperation of the parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Władysławowo and the Eugeniusz Brańka Association.

This year's edition will feature excellent performers from Poland and abroad, and its repertoire will be dominated by Polish music. The festival in Wladysławowo continues the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Independence, launched a year ago. In addition, 2019 marks the celebrations of the 200th birth anniversary of Stanisław Moniuszko. Also, the Festival will commemorate its initiator and long-term Artistic Director, Professor Eugeniusz Branka, on the 10th death anniversary. The series will also feature improvised music performed by, among others, violinist Krzesimir Dębski and trumpeter Robert Majewski. Polish music from the Baroque to the 20th century will fill the programme of the inauguration concert on 4 July.

Media patronage: Polish Music Informatoin Centre POLMIC.

More information at: https://www.facebook.com/koncerty.organowe/ 

Katowice | Kilar's classical and film music


A concert of Wojciech Kilar's music will take place on 5 July 2019 at 7.00 pm at the Henryk Mikołaj Górecki Silesian Philharmonic.

17 July marks the 87th birth anniversary of Wojciech Kilar who passed away nearly six years ago. On this occasion, the Silesian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and Choir under the direction of Marek Wroniszewski – the best Polish conductor in the latest Grzegorz Fitelberg International Conducting Competition – will perform Kilar's classical and film music. The programme will include such pieces as Grey Mist for baritone and orchestra, performed by Tomasz Rak,Krzesany, Orawa, as well as suites from the movies Dracula directed by Francis Ford Coppola and Pan Tadeusz by Andrzej Wajda.

More information at: https://www.filharmonia-slaska.eu 

Pierwszy zagraniczny koncert Radomskiej Orkiestry Kameralnej!

ROKW zabytkowym Kościele Wniebowzięcia Maryi Panny w Policy nad Metują (Czechy) 6 lipca 2019 roku o godz. 18:00 odbędzie się pierwszy zagraniczny koncert Radomskiej Orkiestry Kameralnej, który daje możliwość promowania Radomia na arenie międzynarodowej.

Dzięki współpracy z wrocławską orkiestrą Intercamerata Radomska Orkiestra Kameralna zaprezentuje się podczas Letniego Festiwalu Muzycznego „Za poklady Broumovska” (Skarby Ziemi Broumovskiej) w Policy nad Metują (Czechy). Festiwal każdego roku przyciąga publiczność swoimi wyjątkowymi koncertami, które odbywają się z udziałem znakomitych czeskich i zagranicznych artystów, w zabytkowych kościołach barokowych.

Radomska Orkiestra Kameralna i saksofonistka Magdalena Jakubska-Szymiec pod batutą Jana Jakuba Bokuna wykonają polsko-czeski program, składający się z kompozycji Pawła Łukaszewskiego, Josefa Suka, Samuela Barbera i Łukasza Wosia.

Dodatkowe informacje – na stronie http://rok.art.pl/ 

Subcarpathian Organ Festival 2019


In the summer months, from 7 July to 18 August 2019, continuously for 28 years in Rzeszów and also in three other locations in the Subcarpathian region, organ and chamber music concerts as well as oratorio and artist performances will take place as part of The Sucarpathian Organ Festival.

The concerts will take place in modern and historic temples of the capital of the region: the Cathedral, the Bernardine Basilica, the Saint Cross Church as well as the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Zalesie and, for the first time, the Church of Saint Roch in Słocina, equipped with a high-class concert organs. In addition, traditionally two important sacral buildings of the Subcarpatian region are included in the festival calendar: Abbey of Jaroslav and the Jesuits Basilica in Stara Wieś. The church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Lutcza debuts this year as a concert venue. As a result of the systematic expansion of the geographical area of ​​the festival, the Organ and Chamber Music Evenings in the Cathedral and Churches of Rzeszów with accompanying cycles this year takes the name of the Subcarpathian Organ Festival.

The virtuosos of organs from Poland, Germany, Italy and Hungary were invited to participate in this year's concerts. The programme will include chamber and vocal music with the accompaniment of organs, oratorio works of Stanisław Moniuszko on the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth, as well as an artistic spoken word reminiscent of the persistent message of eminent Poles: Saint John Paul II, bl. Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko and cardinal Stefan Wyszyński.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Full programme available at: www.arsproarte.pl 

Lublin | Artists will celebrate the 450th anniversary of the Union of Lublin


On 3 July 2019 the H. Wieniawski Lublin Philharmonic will host an unprecedented music event devoted to the 450th anniversary of the Union of Lublin. The concert at 6pm will feature works written by Polish, Lithuanian, Belarusian and Ukrainian artists.

All these nationalities inhabited the territories of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The meeting of these four cultures, permeating each other for centuries, will thus celebrate the 450th anniversary of the signing of the Union of Lublin Act. The concert will be a unique opportunity to listen to both well-known works and compositions that are rarely performed.

The concert organised by the Lublin Branch of the Association of Polish Musicians will present a cross-section of works from the eighteenth to the twentieth century, representing various genres: from opera arias, songs and solo instrumental works to traditional folk melodies. Next to the works of Stanisław Moniuszko and Fryderyk Chopin, great ambassadors of Polishness, there will be compositions by other Polish composers (Jelski, Joteyko, Noskowski, Niewiadomski) and artists living in the pre-partition Poland and Lithuania (Holland, Stepowyj, Čiurlionis). The programme will also feature several classic compositions for traditional Belarusian cymbals.

The "Concert of dialogue" will feature musicians associated with the Lublin region: singers Anna Barska, Dorota Szostak-Gąska, Natalia Skipor, Mariola Zagojska, Jakub Gąska, violinist Magdalena Maciąg, and pianist Agnieszka Schulz-Brzyska as well as guest artists from Poland and abroad: Natalia Kovalenko from Ukraine, Maria Kuczyńska from Belarus and Aleksander Ładysz. The concert will be hosted by Andrzej Gładysz.

Admission free!

SEE: FB Event

Warsaw | 19th Music Gardens Festival

Ogrody muzyczne

The 19th Music Gardens Festival will be held on 30 June – 28 July 2019 in the Grand Courtyard of the Royal Castle in Warsaw, under a huge, air-conditioned tent, which can accommodate 1000 spectators.

The Music Gardens Festival has been taking place in Warsaw since 2001. Every year, the Festival programme is comprised of rebroadcasts of the best opera and ballet productions (from, among other houses, the Metropolitan Opera and the Bolshoi Theatre, as well as the Aix-en-Provence, Salzburg and Bregenz Festivals), live concerts – both symphonic and chamber music – as well as music films and film recordings of concerts. Also a special educational and artistic programme for children is organized as part of the festival: the Children’s Music Gardens.

The programme of the 19th Gardens will include 21 film screenings and 5 live concerts. The festival prologue will feature film music of Krzysztof Komeda, Henryk Kuźniak and Jerzy Matuszkiewicz. During the inauguration concert, Janusz Wawrowski, who plays the Stradivarius violin from 1685, together with the Warsaw Players' string orchestra will present, among others, works by Mieczysław Karłowicz and Mieczysław Weinberg. Songs from Moniuszko's Songbook for Home Use will be presented on 15 July in the original interpretation by Agata Zubel, Andrzej Bauer and Cezary Duchnowski.

Since 2008, another inspiration for successive editions of the Festival has been the culture and art of the countries taking over the leadership of the European Council on the day the festival begins, i.e. in the second half of each year. This year, no less than three countries will serve as the Guests of Honor: Finland, which begins its presidency at the European Council on 1 July 2019; Romania, which will lead the Council in the first half of 2019; and, for the second time, Austria. On 8 July, an evening devoted to Leonardo da Vinci will include a concert of Sławomir Zubrzycki on viola organista, an instrument invented by Leonardo da Vinci.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Full programme available at: https://www.ogrodymuzyczne.pl/ 

Trójmiasto | III Festiwal Baltic Souvenir

Baltic Souvenir29 czerwca 2019 roku rozpocznie się III edycja Festiwalu Baltic Souvenir, która potrwa do 6 lipca. Słońce, szum fal i ciepły piasek pod stopami to cudowne wspomnienia znad morza, które powinno mieć każde dziecko. A gdyby tak dorzucić do nich bajkową muzykę, której najmłodsi wraz z rodzicami będą mogli wysłuchać zupełnie za darmo na trzech plenerowych wydarzeniach w Trójmieście?

Zainauguruje Festiwal koncert w Muszli Koncertowej przy Placu Grunwaldzkim w Gdyni. Tam dzieci i ich rodzice będą mogli zobaczyć i posłuchać widowiska Witajcie w naszej bajce, w którego programie znajdą się najsłynniejsze melodie i piosenki z bajek z całego świata, w tym Krainy Lodu, Reksia, Koziołka Matołka, Gumisiów, Zaplątanych, Króla Lwa i wielu, wielu więcej! Hity te wyśpiewają Izabela Pawletko i Bogdan Smagacki.

Następnego dnia artyści przeniosą się na scenę plenerową przy Polskiej Filharmonii Bałtyckiej w Gdańsku, gdzie ugoszczą samego Ambrożego Kleksa. Tym razem ekscentryczny profesor poprowadzi wykłady w ramach Letniej Akademii Pana Kleksa. Absolwenci tej prestiżowej placówki edukacyjnej doskonale pamiętają piosenki o Kaczce Dziwaczce czy Na wyspach Bergamuta – na Ołowiance będzie okazja posłuchać ich w aranżacjach Beniamina Baczewskiego, w wykonaniu Aleksandry Lis i Bogdana Smagackiego.

Ostatniego dnia Festiwalu Baltic Souvenir, tym razem w Sopocie, wybrzmią dźwięki opery skomponowanej specjalnie dla dzieci w oparciu o słynną baśń braci Grimm Królewna Śnieżka. Autorem tego niezwykłego dzieła jest dyrygent i kompozytor Piotr Staniszewski. Dedykowana najmłodszym, przybliża im wspaniały świat muzyki klasycznej i rozbudza zainteresowanie formą opery. Baśniowe treści uzupełniają multimedia i wspaniałe kostiumy.

Natalia Walewska

Szczegółowy program – na stronie wydarzenia http://www.balticsouvenir.pl/