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workshops 2017 (I)

IV Międzynarodowy Konkurs Kompozytorski / 4th International Composers Competition – Gorzów Wielkopolski 2016

Organizer:  Centrum Edukacji Artystycznej – Filharmonia Gorzowska

The Centre of Artistic Education – The Gorzow Philharmonic announces the 4th International Composers Competition. The idea of Competition is to promote artistic creation of composers and to promote their individual approach to the matter of contemporary music. The Competition aims to popularize the fascinating, rich world of sounds.

The previous three editions (2013-2015) were addressed to young Polish composers up to 35. The upcoming fourth edition of the Competition resigns from the age limitation and gives the opportunity to submit their work to composers of all nationalities.

All works submitted to the 4th International Composers Competition will be rated by the jury comprised of recognized composers and artists:

ZygmuntKrauze (Poland) – Chairperson
Edward Artemyev (Russia)
DariuszPrzybylski (Poland)
and Monika Wolińska (Poland).

More details about the contest can be found here: www.filharmoniagorzowska.pl/z-ostatniej-chwili/detail,nID,717


Centrum Edukacji Artystycznej – Filharmonia Gorzowska
Ul. Dziewięciu Muz 10
66-400 Gorzów Wielkopolski
e-mail: competition@filharmoniagorzowska.pl

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