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competitions 2017 (I)

II Międzynarodowy Konkurs Kompozytorski im. Karola Szymanowskiego 2015

Organizer:  Towarzystwo Muzyczne im. Karola Szymanowskiego, Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego w Katowicach

2nd Karol Szymanowski International Composers Competition Katowice 2015
Under the patronage of The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
Governor of Silesia Voivodeship – Wojciech Saługa
President of City Katowice – Marcin Krupa

Competition Rules

Competition is organized by the Karol Szymanowski Music Society in collaboration with the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice.
2. The subject of the competition is a piece for great symphony orchestra including: 3 flauti (3. muta in fl picc.), 3 oboe (3. muta in cr.ing.), 3 clarinetti (3. muta in cl.b.), 3 fagotti (3. muta in cfg), 4 corni - 3 trombe, 3 tromboni, tuba batteria (4 esecutori), arpa, pianoforte (celesta), archi (16-14-12-10-8)
3. Required duration of the composition 10 – 20 min
4. The competition is open to composers of all nations regardless of age.
5. Each participant may submit more than one score.
6. It is possible to submit works already performed, excluding compositions already published and awarded in other competitions.

Cash Prizes: to be announced All prizes are given in their gross amounts.
2. Special Prizes:
o Prize of Polish National Symphony Radio Orchestra Katowice – archive recording for Polish Radio or performance of one of the awarded compositions in 2016 - 2017
o Prize of Karol Szymanowski Philharmonic in Cracow – performance of one of the awarded compositions in 2016 – 2017
o Prize of His Magnificence Rector of Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice – performance of one of the awarded compositions by the Karol Szymanowski Academic Symphony Orchestra in 2016 – 2017
o Prize of PWM Edition – set of Polish contemporary scores

The members of jury are all members of the Karol Szymanowski Music Society:
o Eugeniusz Knapik – chairman
o Krzysztof Meyer
o Rafał Augustyn
o Sławomir Czarnecki
2. The jury reserves the rights to divide the prizes as it sees fit.
3. The decision of the jury is definitive.
4. Results of the competition will be announced till 10th December 2015

The deadline for sending the scores is 30th November 2015 (date on the post mark is decisive). Scores should be sent to the following address: 2nd Karol Szymanowski International Composers Competition The Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice ul. Zacisze 3, 40 – 025 Katowice, Poland
2. The score should be submitted anonymously, bearing a letter or digit code.
3. The score should be sent in two copies.
4. The score should be sent along with the proof of payment of the registration fee and a sealed envelope, bearing the same code as the score. It must include the following information:
o first name and surname of the composer
o date and place of birth
o nationality
o address, telephone number, e-mail
o title and duration of the composition
o brief commentary about the composition
o composer's CV and photo
o a declaration that the submitted work is unpublished and has not been awarded a prize in any other competition
5. Scores will be returned to the composers only at their clear request (cash on delivery).

Registration fee
The registration fee of each score is 40 Euro.
2. The amount is to be paid to the bank account of the Karol Szymanowski Music Society: Bank Ochrony Środowiska, Oddział w Katowicach ul. Mickiewicza 21, 40-085 Katowice, Poland IBAN: PL 47 15401128 2112700465280001 Swift / BIC: EBOSPLPW
3. Cheques will not be accepted.
4. The registration fee will not be refunded
5. All banking charges and commissions must be covered by the applicant. Please, make sure that the amount that will reach the account will be precisely the same as required.

Closing resolutions
Entering the competition means that each participant agrees to the above rules. Scores not fulfilling requirements defined by the rules will not be accepted.
2. Scores not fulfilling requirements defined by the rules will not be accepted.
3. Winners of the competition are obliged to prepare all the performance materials and send them at their expense till 1st March 2016 to the address of the Competition
4. The organizer of the competition reserves the right to introduce some changes in the course of the competition if unpredicted circumstances or random incidents occur or if it is impossible to continue the competition in the established course of action
5. The organizer reserves the right to process personal data of the participants in connection with the competition organization


e-mail: szymanowski.competition@gmail.com 

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