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Res Facta Nova 2002 (5)

Poznań Friends of Science Society
The 5th volume of a new series by “Res facta”, a publisher with a 35-year experience, presents the life and work of Charles Seeger (1886-1979), an American musicologist who was praised by Henry Cowell as “America’s intellectually most profound music researcher, and musicology’s greatest experimenter”. His vision of philosophical musicology is presented by the edition’s secretary Maciej Jabłoński, who devotes a separate article to the problem of musical work analysis in modern musicology. The volume also contains Jan Stęszewski’s selection of texts by the ethnomusicologists Robert Lach (1874-1958) and Werner Danckert (1900-1970) as well as letters from Tadeusz Szeligowski to Maria Modrakowska edited by Marcin Gmys.